9th - 11th March 2011: 8th Seminar in Helsinki (Finland)
Edited on
09 March 2011
Read time: 1 minute
Steering Committee,Experts and Managing Authorities workshop

The Helsinki event is a different seminar from the previous CTUR thematic seminars; it will include:
1. Exchange of experience with Creative Metropoles network, another EU funded network of cities2. Focus on Helsinki host city: presentation of the city and topics in the framework of CTUR theme, case studies and visit on the sites , discussion on LAP with host city ULSG members
3. Case studies partners presentation.
4. Encounter with the Managing Authorities from CTUR partner cities: results and possible further commitments after CTUR /URBACT II Programme.
5. Definitive LAPs presentation and Travelling exhibition panels: discussion with Steering Committee partners, experts , AIVP and all MAs.
6. CTUR Steering Committee meeting to agree final conclusions/recommendations from the network, final products and the final event with AIVP.
Download Definitive_Programme_CTUR_steering_Committee_Helsinki_9_-_10_March_2011x.pdf (1.15 MB)

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