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9th - 10th December 2010: 7th Seminar in Rhodes (Greece)

Edited on

08 December 2010
Read time: 1 minute
Thematic Conference on "Governance/2"

Concept paper


Between governance and investments

The governance issue already has been faced during the last meeting in Rostock, paying specific attention to the necessity to develop cooperative frameworks between stakeholders. In this second thematic meeting, the governance issue will be analyzed starting from the “private investors” point of view. What are the conditions and the procedures which improve the possibility for private capitals to be involved in projects and plans related to the cruise tourism in port cities? What kinds of subjects (real estate developers, banks, retail-districts management companies (?)) could be involved and, more important, what could be the role played by local authorities to favour a socially well balanced involvement of these private capitals? What possible schemes to be adopted? These general questions are faced giving space both to theoretical considerations and practical case studies, stressing the role that investment-oriented planning and project financing frameworks can play in attracting private investors into the business. Last but not least, the possibility to induce agreements, favoured and guaranteed by public local authorities, between private capital (e.g. banks)  and group of citizens in deprived districts to renovate historical buildings is discussed.

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