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Zafra Romero


Zafra Romero

Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have a Humanities and Tourism background with a Master Degree in "Cultural Management". For the last two years my professional career has evolved in the various dimensions of urban and rural development. As External Assistant I have been responsible for the design and coordination of the AGRI-URBAN and INT-HERIT projects, led by the Municipality of Baena (Spain) in the frame of the URBACT III Programme. I have been able to manage both networks specialized in territorial food systems and cultural heritage management. Previously in the last 25 years I have worked in different European and national projects in the frame of sustainable management, as manager of several projects in Programmes such as INTERREG, LIFE, TACIS or LEADER, among others. I also have experience as a coach and have worked with many public institutions. I have been a regular speaker on Environmental and food topics, rural development and cultural tourism in the context of International and national conferences. I have produced various communication materials and have managed some online media tools. I have acquired a high capacity to design and organise a wide type of events. Finally, at the same time I have worked as a project manager for different public institutions, I have developed some professional activities on my own, as well as cooperated with some international and national NGOs and associations such us Slow Food, Fundación Carasso, Subbética Ecológica, etc.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During the last three decades I have been engaged in the technical coordination of several EU transnational projects, which were developed in the frame of different programmes. My commitment as coordinator for the URBACT III Projetcs, AGRI-URBAN and INT-HERIT (, has been developed under the same profile. From 2005 to 2007 I coordinated and managed the Project TERRA OLEA (INTERREG IIIB SUDOE) -; aimed at the creation of a tourist itinerary around one culture brand. From 2000 to 2002, I designed, managed and was the communication coordinator of the project LIFE Guadajoz (LIFE Environment) - -, in which I participated in some transnational learning visits as well as being responsible for organising a transnational Summer Camp. In 1997, for a period of 6 months, I was involved as a technical manager in the cooperation project developed by the provinces of Cordoba (Spain) and Dornogobi (Mongolia), as member of the Baena Municipality staff, as part of the European Community TACIS CITY TWINNING Programme ( ). Finally I have participated as a speaker in transnational conferences in some countries such as Marocco, Ecuador or France.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have a good level in understanding, speaking and writing English. For the last 3 years I have been working at EU level using English as my second language. I have an excellent level in understanding, speaking and writing French and a very good capacity for understanding Portuguese and Italian.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I developed some concise reports and documents that incorporate good practices and policy messages. In projects such as LIFE GUADAJOZ (LIFE Environment) or AGRI-URBAN (URBACT III) I produced the Final Report (Layman’s Report) and Intermediate Report respectively. I have also cooperated with the Lead Expert of AGRI-URBAN and INT-HERIT (URBACT III) in collecting information from all partners and providing support in writing the Baseline Study. After each Transnational Meeting in both mentioned projects I usually produce Creative Minutes to report the content and outputs associated to the celebration of this events as well as introduce the conclusions and the linked knowledge. I also promote the creation of political statements by public actors working together in transnational projects as shown by the “Local food policy and employment in small and medium sized European cities” Manifesto of Mollet del Vallés (Barcelona) ( At a national level I have produced many other reports including the analysis of good practices and the dissemination of policy messages, for example in the cooperation project named OLIVAR CULTURA (EAFRD Fund) between different olive oil producer territories, or in the frame of the IPAC Project (ERDF Funds) in which all Cordoba province territories cooperated to create a common interpretation of cultural heritage.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have proven experience in designing and promoting transnational exchange and learning activities in the context of various EU projects (URBACT, INTERREG, LIFE, TACIS) which I have coordinated and managed over the last 20 years. I have often been invited as a speaker and coach in Cultural Heritage Management and Interpretation as well as in Cultural and Rural Tourism. I have experience in using the bottom-up approach to promote social changes due to my participation from the start in launching this method in the frame of the LEADER Programme promoted by the EU and I have later used this method in many other projects and activities. In the last 30 years I have collaborated with different small and medium sized cities in Spain, and since 2015 at European level in the frame of the EU Programme URBACT III, through the AGRI-URBAN and INT-HERIT projects in which I have acted as transnational coordinator. I have also worked as a freelance consultant for companies in sectors such as environmental education, cultural tourism or rural development. I have recognized abilities as a communicator, having published books, technical guides, reports, articles, videos and produced many communication tools (apps, blogs, social media, webs...). Thanks to my experience, I am capable of capturing knowledge, extracting content and adapting it to multiple audiences, in order to offer solutions to the needs and challenges that currently exist in the EU in terms of Arts and Culture initiatives.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Food
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have proven experience in transnational exchange in the context of various EU projects (URBACT, INTERREG, LIFE, TACIS ...) that I have coordinated over the last 20 years. I represent the new actors working from different perspectives in the field of sustainable food systems. I have a broad background in territorial analysis and sustainability in the managing of local resources together with a long experience as small organic farmer. My professional career has been associated for the last 20 years to the Rural Development sector, due to my professional relationship with a rural association working under the umbrella of the LEADER Program. In this position as Project Manager I have had the responsibility of managing many actions linked with the diversification and innovation of the food sector. From 2015, as transnational coordinator of the AGRI-URBAN Project (URBACT III), I have been permanently in contact with some relevant issues in the current scenery of urban food systems, taking advantage of the opportunity to acquire experiences and good practices, transfer this knowledge and deliver effective outputs. I have also been involved as member in some transnational movements such as SLOW FOOD as well as in the Board team of Subbética Ecológica, an associative experience that links organic producers and consumers from 2009 until today, when it has been transformed into a Food Hub that weekly supplies food to more than 400 families and a group of 40 large consumers.


Residence location:
Spanish - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise