The youth community of Gabrovo
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21 April 2022Gabrovo is famous with the artisan citizens. The city is a member of the UNESCO creative cities network since 2017 - City of crafts and folk art. The presence of the Technical University - Gabrovo, in parallel with the future creation of one of the largest areas in Bulgaria for the development of computer technology and IT sector, made us focus on developing processes, events and networks for detention of the youth in Gabrovo.

First of all, we want to share the moment when the Youth zone was officially open. It was such a great feeling for all of us involved.
Young people are not just the future of Gabrovo, they are our present thus it is extremely important to have a plan to support their performance, tailored to their needs, priorities and ambitions, which will contribute for the better development of the city and region. It is our responsibility to create favorable conditions for young people to develop their talents, to be supported and inspired and to associate their future with the future of Gabrovo.
Participation in the public life of the representatives of the youth community is one of the most important priorities. Their active involvement in decisions and actions at local and regional level is essential for building a democratic, inclusive and prosperous society. Young people and their successful professional, social and personal realization are also an extremely important priority for which we will pursue a targeted policy.
Thus we define three main objectives.
Specific objective 1:
Encouragement of the youth entrepreneurship in Gabrovo through better involvement of youngsters (Gabrovo Youth Council) in the youth policies development and implementation, fostering better connectivity between schools, university and business community.
Specific objective 2:
Improvement of the youth entrepreneurial culture through expansion of the created youth zone “The Place” and its activities, based on synergies with other youth initiatives in the territory.
Specific objective 3:
Organizing and conducting training program for youth entrepreneurship, motivating youngsters and recruiting talents focused on development of skills, (digital, entrepreneurial culture, business planning, ecological lifestyle and others), according to the identified needs.
During all this time Gabrovo Municipality goal stays the same - making young people find meaning to stay here after finish their secondary education. To study and realize themselves in our region.
Written by Velimira Hristova (Gabrovo Municipality)
Submitted by Sonia Files on