Workshop in Czestochowa 21./22.10.2010
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21 October 2010A very fruitful CityRegion.Net project meeting took place in Czestochowa from the 21.-22. October 2010.

Main focus laid on the presentation of the handbook for planning and financial tools and on the LAP from partners, but also on very interesting expert presentations regarding regional cooperations and infrastructures fromthe City Hall of Częstochowa. "The investment capabilities of the City Czestochowa and surrounding" by Mr. Jarosław Ferenc,"The building of the information infrastructure for North Subregion E-region Częstochowa", by Mr. Marek Biadacz.
The mayor from Olsztyn, Mr. Tomasz Kucharski presented "The municipalità with future" and the Executive Director from the the Silesian Union of Municipalities and Districts, Mr. Ferdynand Morski "Revitalization and city development – the regional cooperation in the Śląskie Voivodeship"
Download Agenda_21-22_10_2010.pdf (143.29 KB)
Download Minutes_CRN_Czestochowa_10-10.pdf (386.52 KB) (Lead Expert)
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