Workshop in Arezzo 17./18.06.2010
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09 October 2017Workshop meeting in Arezzo 17.- 18.6.2010
From 17./18. June the workshop in Arezzo was held. Participants were shown ‘good practices’ realized by the Arezzo Municipality and Tuscany Region.

An interesting part was the presentation of the PIUSS ‘The Plan for Integrated Sustainable Urban Development’ , which was approved by The Administrative Authority of Tuscan Region. It is the biggest public financing assessed to the Municipality of Arezzo focused on development targets.
During the workshop the key focus was led on financial instruments for cityregions, involvement of key actors and a final definition and joint conclusion of best practices of planning and financial tools.
Further experts presentation: The bottom-up development of the urban regional polycentric area: the experience of PIUSS in the Tuscan Region within 2007-2013 ERDF.PIUSS of Arezzo – integration of interventions focused on development targets;
Urban cooperation - The experience of cooperation conference of the Arezzo PIUSS,
The Urbact working group "Jessica for cities". How to implement Jessica initiative and other public and private partnership (PPP) for the urban development;
Integration of regional mobility -Il Memorario of the Tuscan Region. Multilevel cooperation among different stakeholders in Tuscany– The experience of PASL (Local Development Action Agreement) at provincial level.
Download Agenda_workshop_arezzo.pdf (133.37 KB)
Download Attendance_List.pdf (2.88 MB)
Presentations Part 1 (Zip-File)
Presentations Part 2 (Zip-File)
Download MinutesCRN_workshop_Arezzo.pdf (673.75 KB) (Lead Expert)
PIUSS project (ZIP-File)
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