What Scenarios for Europe in the Coming Decades?
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09 October 2017Domenico ROSSETTI di VALDALBERO, Principal Administrator of the Directorate-General for Research & Innovation (DG RTD) of the European Commission, informs you that The Global Europe 2050 report has been published and is available here. Other background material like the “State of the art of forward-looking activities beyond 2030” can also be found.

The Global Europe 2050 foresight report presents and quantifies three scenarios that identify the main pathways Europe could follow in the coming decades:
• the Nobody cares scenario where Europe is in a "muddling through" process;
• the EU under threat where Europe is faced by a an economic decline and protectionist reactions;
• the European Renaissance where the EU continues to enlarge and become stronger with more efficient innovation systems.
This report is the result of a European Commission Expert Group and a close collaboration between DG RTD and BEPA.
Read More:
• November Validation Seminar - DG RTD Website
• State of the art of forward-looking activities beyond 2030 - DG RTD Website
• The Global Report 2050 Report Summary - DG RTD Website
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