"With what expectations did you join the Urban Local Group of the project ?" Interview with an ULG member from Galati in Romania
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23 June 2022Mrs. Laura BATOG holds the position of expert in the implementation of European projects within S.C. Apa-Canal SA. It’s a public enterprise that delegated her to represent it at the meetings of the URBACT Local Group (ULG) of the Urb-En Pact project in which the Municipality of Galati is a partner. The participation of S.C. Apa-Canal SA at the ULG of the above mentioned project is due to the object of activity of the public enterprise, that is the provision and management of water supply and sewerage services and to the fact that it is an important factor in the field of environment of Galati municipality and Galati county.

Q) With what expectations did you join the Urban Local Group of the project, how did you perceive its activity?
A) Within the ULG, we believe that energy transition will be reached, in order to create a new, sustainable energy system with almost zero CO2 emissions. This objective can be achieved by implementing the measures included in the Integrated Action Plan. We want our city to have zero local product, enough green energy to meet the needs of its citizens. In order to achieve these goals, to create an effective and implementable policy, we need to know the reality on the ground.
Q) Do you consider that the debates that took place within the ULG, the exchange of experience and ideas that took place here are useful for the implementation of environmental policies regarding the energy transition that aims to improve the quality of life of Galati citizens?
A) The project coordinators and the partners involved are specialists with extensive experience in environmental research and the electricity industry. All the ideas that were presented in the debates are useful for the implementation of environmental policies on energy transition. All members included in the project were involved in the development of renewable energy production systems, but also in the overall reduction of energy consumption.
At the same time, there is a need for the involvement of important actors and not only, in the targeted territory, where the production of renewable energies will be developed and with the support of local actors, the overall reduction of energy consumption will be achieved.
Q) As you presented in the ULG, S.C. Apa-Canal S.A. Galati has established as main objectives the provision of quality services, with the protection of natural resources, the environment, the health and safety of the beneficiaries. In this context, does the new Wastewater Treatment Plant meet the proposed norms and objectives?
A) Galati Wastewater Treatment Plant includes a biological wastewater treatment system for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, a new sludge thickening facility, an additional digester for anaerobic fermentation of sludge and its dehydration.
The wastewater entering in Galati treatment plant is mechanically and biologically treated so that the effluent meets the requirements of Directive 91/271 / EEC on urban wastewater treatment and GD no. 188/2002 for approving the rules on the conditions of wastewater discharge into the aquatic environment.
A sludge dehydration system is implemented within the station, which is used in agriculture. At the same time, a biogas storage system is built in the treatment plant, a gas resulting from the fermentation of sludge. The gas from the gas tanks reaches the compressors where the necessary pressure is applied to be used in the thermal power plants. After that, the gas is desulfurized and then distributed to CHP units or thermal power plants. Through these two systems, the Galati Wastewater Treatment Plant meets the proposed norms and objectives regarding the protection of natural resources, the environment, the health and safety of the beneficiaries.
Q) Does SC Apa-Canal S.A. Galati use green energy for the necessary management of water resources? (placement of photovoltaic panels)
A) In order to reduce the consumption of electricity and the use of green energy, the company APA Canal SA Galati has an ongoing project for the installation of photovoltaic panels that includes a number of 8 locations for the installation of voltaic panels as follows:
1. Within SEAU GALATI - a panel system with a minimum power of 635KW / panel will be installed, on an area of 1200sqm roof and 1700sqm ground;
2. Within SEAU LIESTI, a panel system with a minimum power of 80KW / panel will be installed, on an area of 500sqm roof;
3. A system of panels with a minimum power will be installed in SEAU PECHEA
50KW / panel, on an area of 340sqm roof, on the Mud Depot inside the station;
4. A system of panels with a minimum power will be installed in SEAU TECUCI
175KW / panel, on a surface of 1600sqm roof on the Mud Depot inside the station;
5. Within the WATER PLANT NR 2, Galati, a panel system with a minimum power of 600KW / panel will be installed, on an area of 5800sqm ground;
6. In VADU ROSCA locality, within the capture front, a panel system with a minimum power of 620KW / panel will be installed, on an area of 7700sqm ground;
7. Within the SERBESTI Water Treatment Plant, a panel system with a minimum power of 450KW / panel will be installed, on an area of - 4000sqm ground;
We mention that within this SERBESTI Water Treatment Plant a pilot project has already been implemented since 2021;
8. Within the APA CANAL HEADQUARTERS, a panel system with a minimum power of 20KW / panel will be installed, on an area of - 140sqm roof.
Submitted by Hélène Mazaleyrat on