What did the Active Citizens project brought to the Lead Partner City of Agen ?
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06 September 2022The Urbact project comes to an end on August 9, 2022. The last Transnational Meeting to close the project in the presence of all the partners of the Active Citizens network was scheduled in Agen early June 2022.

After more than 2 years of participation of the City of Agen in Urbact III, it is possible to note several advantages of the Urbact experience:
- The device allowed Agen to create a network with other cities of the same size with similar challenges.
- The common theme addressed of participatory democracy being the heart of operation of all Urbact networks, the Active Citizens network and therefore the City of Agen as leader was very challenged.
- Involvement in the project brought external expertise through Christophe GOUACHE, who was requested on numerous occasions by various departments of the city and the Agglomeration (DEAT, Mail, Social Centers, Legal).
- Thanks to this first experience, from now on, we know how Urbact works and we are able to manage or participate to a new Urbact network.
- Through Urbact, we benefit from an opening towards other European networks not explored until now.
- Participation in the Urbact network has highlighted the City of Agen, particularly in the context of the project with the Citizens' Councils at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, with a view to the future French Presidency.
- Thanks to this Project, the City of Agen is now solicited to take part in different new projects.
- And of course, the City of Agen has now an Integrated Action Plan to follow in order to develop participatory democracy on its territory.
Submitted by Nicolas Castet on