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What about land use policies in Naples?

Edited on

27 June 2015
Read time: 2 minutes
 "We  must  grant  to  the  future  generations  a full  enjoyment  of  our  natural  heritage,  preserving  it  from and  pollution.  The  Neapolitan cultural  identity coincides with our natural identity which implies safeguarding our scenery, as it has been depicted by the Grand tour writers." -The Mayor of Naples Luigi de Magistris focus in his interview on the need to preserve the natural heritage and landscape- 
"Moreover,  planning  implies  enlarging  green  areas.  Doing  so, we  can  also  decrease  the  social  costs  due  to  the  pollution caused by pirate urbanization, hence benefiting public health." 
The Councillor for Urban Planning Carmine Piscopo, underline that "one   of   the   interesting   aspects   of   the   USEAct   project is  that  it  is  directly  connected  with  the  need  to  support urban  communities,  in  the  way  to  find  solutions  to  solve the  problem  of  the  land  consumption,  manly  through  two different  tools:  on  one  hand  reusing  existing  buildings  and areas in the city, and on the other hand towards new urban planning  tools,  which  can  develop  –  on  a  large  scale  –  new settlement opportunities of the highest quality (private and public  spaces)  for  people  and  investors,  reducing  as  far  as possible the use of green-field land and energy consumption"

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The USEAct Local Action Plan developed by the Municipality of  Naples has focused on some degraded  areas of the historic urban "core".
URBACT II program with USEAct project allowed  the  town  of  Naples  to  implement  the  Local Action  Plan  “Development  strategies  for  the  city consolidated“ :  LAB  Porta  Capuana,  LAB  Porta Medina,  LAB  Porta  del  Mercato, as detailed in the LAP document. 
This   document - as described by the Project Coordinator Gaetano Mollura -  photographing  the   activities performed  during    two  and  a  half  years  by  the local support group, which involved all the various stakeholders, public and private, and still a “work in progress” this proposal aims to be a feasibility plan with  actions,  shared from the  bottom,  which  are partly financed and/or implemented in most need to be  finalized  through  obtaining  the  necessary funds: public and private.