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Welcome on the new URBACT website!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

On Tuesday September 15th, we have launched this new platform to raise public awareness of major urban challenges. Targeted at all city stakeholders, including experts and researchers, elected politicians and citizens, the objective of the website is to provide a communal space which sets the benchmark in terms of sustainable urban development.

<img width="247" data-cke-saved-src="uploads/RTEmagicC_website.bmp.jpg" src="uploads/RTEmagicC_website.bmp.jpg" height="337" style="FLOAT: left" alt=" />Accessible, well-structured and user-friendly, the website introduces URBACT and its projects, places at your disposal their rich expertise and details, the progress on the ground. An URBACT blog is also online : URBACT News and events, videos but also point of view and anecdotes will be regularly posted so visit often to see what's new on our blog and participate to the debate.

‘Our new website seeks to integrate the URBACT rich expertise and synthesize it into a coherent whole, disseminating the information to all European cities. Brought together in a single tool, it will be accessible and helpful to everyone, from the experts to the citizens,’ Jean-Loup DRUBIGNY, Director of the URBACT Secretariat, explained. Thanks to six sections
(About URBACT, Integrated urban development, Our projects, Get involved, News & Events, Documents & Resources), site visitors can navigate easily amid the wealth of information, developing methodologies and practical solutions. The URBACT projects are at the heart of this new website. You have an easy access to  their mini-sites thanks to a project search engine and an interactive map (click on the cities points or click on the right hand-side thematic column).

In the ‘Integrated urban development’ pages, you will find an overview of the expert knowledge which URBACT has acquired over the course of the programme. Broken down into 8 areas of expertise (innovation and creativity, human capital and entrepreneurship, port cities, culture heritage and city development, etc.) this space highlights URBACT's commitment to the sustainable development of cities on the economic, social and environmental levels.

With this in mind, a special dossier entitled 'URBACT cities responding to the crisis' is online. It details the solutions which URBACT has explored with a view to reducing the impact of the financial crisis on cities, both for their citizens and for their businesses. It is a dynamic, informative space, which will be regularly enriched with contributions from member cities. Lastly, to get the latest news about the Programme and to keep up to date with the most recent events and debates, a ‘News and events’ space is accessible from the homepage.

Do not forget to subscribe to our very last version of the URBACT newsletter.

The URBACT website is the cities of Europe accessible at the click of a mouse. Have an interesting visit!