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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
With a degree and post-graduate diploma in Town Planning, and having worked for eleven years in Transport for London (TfL), I have both the theoretical knowledge of urban development and the understanding of how to develop the policies and actions necessary to deliver real change. Having also worked for eighteen years in contract freight and logistics operations, I also have a deep understanding of the practicalities of the competing needs of pedestrians, cyclists, road users and residents, and how urban mobility works in the real world. At TfL I was responsible for development and delivery of the freight elements of both the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and London Plan. This involved coordinating input from a wide range of stakeholders (from freight operators and businesses to cycling and residents organisations) to help develop the strategy for embedding logistics and freight into the sustainable development of London. This strategy encourages London's economy to grow while improving air quality and safety, reducing congestion, and encouraging more cycling and walking.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
In the United Kingdom, I have eleven years’ experience in increasing the understanding and cooperation between a wide range of stakeholders to increase sustainable freight management. I also recruited, motivated and lead a team of 35 experts to work across both public and private sectors. My core ethos has always been about learning and exchange and I ensured that we reached-out to all cities and countries to share knowledge and solutions. As a result, London has become a world-leading centre for sustainable freight. Specific examples of this include being the lead coordinator within Transport for London (TfL) for the Interreg SUGAR project (2008 - 2012). This project involved working with Paris, Barcelona and Emilia Romagna to up-skill and transfer knowledge and skills in freight management to eleven smaller city regions across Europe. I was also the TfL representative as a core city partner for the Center of Excellence for Sustainable Urban Freight Systems (CoE-SUFS) funded by the Volvo Research and Education Foundation. I have spoken twice at COE-SUFS events and am due to visit China with them so again share best practice. I have been involved in a variety of international exchange and learning programmes, including contributing to the Transportation Research Board (USA) freight programme in 2016 and a peer-exchange with New York Department of Transportation. I am currently an Advisory Council Member for the Smartfreight Centre.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Fluent - mother tongue. At TfL I both wrote and reviewed briefings for the London Mayor, London Transport Commissioner, and other senior TfL managers on a regular basis. One of the key periods for this was in the run-up to the launch of the Safer Lorry Scheme and in the development of the Direct Vision Standard for safer trucks. I have also written and presented numerous presentations and case studies for TfL freight programme. I have also contributed to external publications such as London 2012: changing delivery patterns in response to the impact of the Games on traffic flows.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
A world leading and enthusiastic urban freight professional, with a unique mix of freight management experience developed over eighteen years in logistics operations and eleven years in local government. Focused on increasing the understanding of, and developing solutions for, reducing the impact and improving the efficiency of freight and logistics activity in cities. A proven motivational leader and people manager, well-practiced in wider transport and urban planning, programme development and delivery, and change management. Able to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors and communicate effectively both orally and in writing to ensure all gain skills, knowledge and experience, regardless of background or experience. Confident in explaining freight industry behaviour and proposing pragmatic, customer focused solutions, deliverable by industry and public sector stakeholders, that lead to real change for cities. Flexible and adaptable, able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. A strong negotiator, influencer, and public speaker, with an established reputation in the freight arena.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
A world leading and enthusiastic urban freight professional, with a unique mix of freight management experience developed over eighteen years in logistics operations and eleven years in local government. Focused on increasing the understanding of, and developing solutions for, reducing the impact and improving the efficiency of freight and logistics activity in cities. A proven motivational leader and people manager, well-practiced in wider transport and urban planning, programme development and delivery, and change management. Able to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors and communicate effectively both orally and in writing to ensure all gain skills, knowledge and experience, regardless of background or experience. Confident in explaining freight industry behaviour and proposing pragmatic, customer focused solutions, deliverable by industry and public sector stakeholders, that lead to real change for cities. Flexible and adaptable, able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. A strong negotiator, influencer, and public speaker, with an established reputation in the freight arena.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
A world leading and enthusiastic urban freight professional, with a unique mix of freight management experience developed over eighteen years in logistics operations and eleven years in local government. Focused on increasing the understanding of, and developing solutions for, reducing the impact and improving the efficiency of freight and logistics activity in cities. A proven motivational leader and people manager, well-practiced in wider transport and urban planning, programme development and delivery, and change management. Able to bridge the gap between the public and private sectors and communicate effectively both orally and in writing to ensure all gain skills, knowledge and experience, regardless of background or experience. Confident in explaining freight industry behaviour and proposing pragmatic, customer focused solutions, deliverable by industry and public sector stakeholders, that lead to real change for cities. Flexible and adaptable, able to work on own initiative and as part of a team. A strong negotiator, influencer, and public speaker, with an established reputation in the freight arena.


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise