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Vilnius welcomes a new urban garden

Edited on

02 August 2019
Read time: 1 minute

The initiative, called “Bed of ideas”, arises from the proactivity of two members of the city’s ULG (Urbact Local Group), Laura and Beatričė, following Laura’s know-how gained through her experience in urban and community gardening in Glasgow (UK).

The urban garden will be located in the in Pilaitė residential district of the city and a first meeting with the local community was held on 27th June at the Community Center  “Beepart” to discuss the basic principles and guidelines on the functioning of an urban garden. Participants in the meeting were shown the activities of RU:RBAN as well as the practices and experiences in other EU cities. The community showed great enthusiasm and willingness to start working and first ideas were generated during the meeting: what kind of garden they would like to have, how to involve other members of Community (children, families, aged, disabled people), how would it be run and managed and so on.

A first list of actions to be carried out was drafted during the meeting which included liaising with the Municipality for financial and logistical support issues, expanding the community involved, identify immediate actions such as soil quality analysis, water supply measures etc.

At the end of the meeting all participants visited a series of land plots and selected the most appropriate for the urban garden…works are ready to start!