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Video: Why Welcoming International Talent?

Edited on

21 May 2019
Read time: 1 minute

Why Welcoming International Talent project from URBACT? What is this project all about? Check out the video!

Video Welcoming International Talent URBACT Groningen

There is a global competition for talent. We are speaking about talented students at universities, but also about talented workers for our companies. What we see in medium-sized cities in Europe that in general in the surroundings of those cities, in the regions, there is a population decline. So it is hard to find new students and new workers for the companies. At the same time, the major economic areas in Europe, like Paris, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt or Berlin are easily attracting international talents. Jan Kees Kleuver of the Groningen municipality (NL) explains what the Welcoming International Talent project is aiming for, how the best practice was established and what the other partner cities can learn from the city of Groningen (NL). Check out this video to find out the answers!