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Pietro Lupo


Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My passion and commitment to make urban areas more liveable and sustainable places for their inhabitants have been – for more than 15 years – the leading reason of my educational and professional choices. My bachelor’s degree in Urbanism, my masters in Urban Planning & Policy Design and my doctorate in Urban Studies allowed me to gain a thorough understanding of complex urban systems, as well as to gather an increasing command of the concepts and main theories of participatory planning, urban regeneration, and integrated development. During my PhD, in particular, I focused on the research and analysis of European policies and instruments for territorial development, paying specific attention to area-based and local development initiatives. Additionally, my expertise on community-led local development case-studies and best practices has been enriched through a number of visiting scholarships in the USA and Germany. In my professional career as urban researcher and local development advisor I have been working on the research, analysis and mapping of several urban neighbourhoods in Italy, Germany, Romania and Belgium; on the identification of the needs and growth potential of several European cities; and on the design of tailor-made integrated local development strategies capable of maximising the benefits for the most disadvantaged residents, as well as on the design of EU projects (e.g. Urban Innovative Actions; Horizon 2020, INTERREG, etc...).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Transnational learning and the transfer of good practice have been at the core of my educational, academic, and professional paths for more than a decade, and my direct experience lays on three main levels. First, having been involved in international and multicultural academic and professional environments for nearly a decade I had the opportunity to exchange ideas, knowledge and methodologies with dozens of fellow colleagues from all over the world. Second, most of my research activities are focused on policy learning or transfer. My bachelor thesis and my visiting scholarship at the City University of New York – respectively dedicated to North-European policies for the re-use of abandoned property, and to neighbourhood-based community development initiatives in New York City – aimed at analysing and understanding how such policies and best practices could be transferred in other contexts. My doctoral dissertation aimed at assessing a representative case-study of participatory neighbourhood development in Berlin in order to identify universally valid policy lessons and provide recommendations for the improvement of both the regulation and implementation of Cohesion Policy’s Community-Led Local Development instrument. Third, as an advisor on local development I regularly liaise with city officials or technicians, and I am thus well aware of the wide spectrum of issues that may affect and influence the transfer of a model policy or best practice to a specific location
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
English has been my main working language for almost a decade, allowing me a very high level of fluency both in speaking and writing. Since my master’s I have always been involved in international environments, and my personal and professional everyday interactions regularly happen in English. I am therefore confident in liaising with any kind of native or non-native interlocutor within any kind of formal or informal context. I carried out research at leading international institutions in Italy, Germany and the United States, where my daily interactions with faculty and colleagues always happened in English. The vast majority of my academic production – including my doctoral dissertation and a number of published contribution – is written in English, and over the years I became fully confident in using this idiom in the writing of articles, essays and reports. Additionally, having presented my research at several international academic conferences I am now well trained and used to clearly and effectively communicate complex contents to audiences of different size and kind. Since 2017, I started my individual consultancy serving an international market, within the European Union and the USA. Accordingly I regularly liaise with my clients and produce professional documents in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have constantly been involved in international exchange and learning activities at both academic and professional levels since 2012. I have a strong experience in organising and facilitating meetings, seminars and workshops; in liaising with colleagues, partners and clients (both face-to-face and remotely); and in sharing and communicating outcomes and results to different kinds of audiences, using different means and media. Throughout my academic path, not only did I enhance my skills in publicly presenting complex concepts, but I also developed a strong ability in analysing case studies and model practices, and to deliver evidence-based policy recommendations to academics, professionals and policy-makers. My professional experiences in strategic planning consultancy and in the design of EU projects provided me with solid abilities in facilitating meetings and roundtables with a wide range of participants (e.g. clients, project partners, stakeholders, local administrators, politicians,...) from different countries and cultural backgrounds. In doing so I can rely on a very strong team ethic and inclusive approach to collaborative/participatory work, as well as on remarkable mediation, negotiation and conflict-mitigation skills. Furthermore I draw on my capacities in logical thinking and summarisation to produce clear and concise briefings and reports to feed in mutual learning and exchange processes among partners and participants.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My experience on urban strategic planning is grounded on several years of study, research and practice across Europe. As a researcher I studied and analysed several European best practices and model examples of strategic planning, with a specific focus on the reuse and regeneration of torn-down urban areas and abandoned brownfields in Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. As an urban systems analyst at Walloth Urban Advisors I have been responsible for carrying out desk and field analyses on selected urban areas and to identify their needs and potential, geared to the design of strategic development visions. In this context I produced several reports and strategic briefings to inform internal decisions as well as to corroborate project proposals with urban authorities. As a consultant to Urbasofia I currently work on a number of EU projects. In my most recent assignment I led (together with PhDc Sabina Leopa) the efforts in designing the SPIRE project: Baia Mare’s submission to the 4th Call of the Urban Innovative Actions. With SPIRE we propose an innovative sustainable land-use strategy based on the renaturing and bio-remediation of contaminated sites and the creation of a circular ecosystem geared to the upcycling of local biomass to address local energy-related needs, as well as to support businesses start-up and stimulate eco-friendly economic development.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise