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van Tuijl


van Tuijl

Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Sustainable urban development and sustainable architecture were already part of the curriculum at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). Later, during my postgraduate education at Columbia University I followed the Future of cities seminar, where I studied new trends and developments in urban sustainability. Now, as a guest lecturer at TU Delft and several academies in the Netherlands I am teaching sustainable concepts both on the scale of the city and the scale of the building. Together with students we are looking at integrated design solutions. Urban sustainability, sustainable architecture and sustainable housing also play an important role in my current practice as an architect, urban designer and researcher. Sustainable urban development is an integrated challenge, which involves the creation of jobs, social inclusion and smart urban densification. We have worked and are working on many projects relating to all three of these challenges, from research projects to realised buildings. Finally, I am currently working on a new book and research project: “The flexible city, sustainable solutions for Europe in transition.” This work focuses on the challenges faced by sixteen different European regions and describes best practices and useful instruments.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Having been a consultant, teacher and former student in various international contexts I am used to teaching and working together with students and professionals of different nationalities. As early as 1995 I organised a knowledge exchange initiative myself to find out what happened to Brazilian architecture and urbanism after the realisation of the new capital Brasilia. This included organising site visits, interviews and library research in Brazil in collaboration with the USP FAU faculty in Sao Paulo. From 1998-1999 I studied at Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture and Planning, where I worked together with professors and students from around the globe on projects in the USA and abroad. Now, as a teacher I am again working with groups of mixed nationalities. Also work at my current practice involves regularly working together with colleagues and partners from different countries and taking part in international workshops and conferences. I have been involved in two EU INTERREG programmes. Thanks to these experiences I am aware that one size does not fit all and I have developed the skills to be able to communicate and work together with people of many different cultural backgrounds finding collective inspiration both in the things we share and the things that differentiate us.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have both studied and worked in the USA, written papers in English, moderated workshops in English and held many presentations in English. My TOEFL score was sufficient to be accepted into all US universities.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
As an organiser of international workshops and debates, a researcher, teacher, consultant and designer in international contexts and a participant in many international exchange projects I have experienced several different, more and less stimulating ways of creating a successful transnational learning environment. Good preparation, implementation and on-going evaluation are key. But another key aspect is achieving the right group dynamics to create a productive, interactive and open atmosphere where truly valuable exchange can take place. It is all too easy to stay in an abstract comfort zone where all agree and no new insights are to be found. Making a good analysis, asking the right questions, involving all relevant stakeholders, looking at the right level of detail and across disciplinary boundaries have proven to be effective in achieving valuable exchange and in the development of knowledge. Many of the methods that I use, I have developed as a teacher. Though professionals involved in URBACT programs certainly are no students, working in education still involves many similar skills and methods. I have over 15 years of experience as a teacher at TU Delft and many other academies. Preparing and setting up the structure and content of the semesters involves choosing the subject, planning, involving external experts and stakeholders and determining the deliverables of the learning activities in relation to the goals set by the school.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Compared to urban areas elsewhere in the world European cities seem to be at a turning point. After a tremendous expansion in the 20th century, their physical growth has slowed down. This has many different causes for some it is because of demographic decline, others are hitting upon political borders or have made a conscious decision to put a halt to urban sprawl. This puts forward a new challenge to European cities: to remain vital, the exiting urban fabric should be made sustainable. Sustainable urban development is an integral challenge that involves the creation of jobs, social inclusion and smart urban densification to keep meeting the needs of city users. In our book “The flexible city, sustainable solutions for Europe in transition” we describe a strategic and flexible spatial development model based on step by step development. This model is based on an analysis of projects that are successful within the current context and are anticipating a situation beyond the initial use. Projects that are based on transformation, user oriented and time based. This involves looking at different speeds for spatial development. Long lasting flexible structures that can adjust to different programs and users at one end of the spectrum. Temporary re-usable structures that can quickly fulfil peak demands on the other hand of the spectrum. In our book we have also analysed and described the legal, financial, organizational and spatial frameworks that are used in flexible city develop


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise