USEAct in Riga! Talking about Refitting and Regenerating buildings and areas
Edited on
20 March 2015
Read time: 1 minute
The fifth USEAct thematic meeting took place in the city of Riga, at the heart of the Riga Planning Region, focusing on the theme of residential buildings in the heart of our cities, often in poor conditions: how to create regeneration strategies and on involving residents in refitting strategies through energy efficiency.

The USEAct thematic seminar in Riga was dedicated to “occupied” residential buildings, seen as a potential resource to be optimized and adapted to the requirements of current demand.
"Thanks to USEAct project - says Gunta Lukstiņa, Project Expert of Riga Planning Region - USLG municipalities acquired knowledge about sustainable urban development, gained international experience about new planning and partnership approaches. The importance of ULSG, development of LAP and municipalities role in coordination of intervention projects have been recognised as a possible way to work with transformation of problem/opportunity areas"
Read more on the 6th USEAct Newsletter! Now online!
Submitted by m.luna nobile on