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USE-IT has a new logo

Edited on

12 November 2021
Read time: 2 minutes

We thought we should write a few words about our new USE-IT logo. 

Why write an article about a logo, you may ask?

‘Surely its just a logo.  The project itself is the most important part’.

I have heard these comments before – but there is an old saying that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ and this also applies to a logo too.  It’s the first thing that many people will see when they first click on our website, receive an email, a letter or search the internet for images about the project. 

A logo also tells a story and sets an instant tone for the wider project – it’s a bit like a book cover.  Like it or not, people will judge a book by the cover, and from what they see, will decide to read the book or not.  It’s a similar situation with a logo.

That’s why, we are delighted to launch our new logo for the USE-IT Transfer Network. 

We hope you agree, it’s bold, bright and positive, which is what we want the project to be.  Also, there are a few hidden messages in there too.  For instance, the overlap of the buildings and colours represents the links between our great cities and a nod to partnership working.  After all, working together is vital for getting anything good to happen!  

The buildings represent all 4 city partners: Poznan, Rotterdam and Tranpani.  The blue USE-IT lettering is meant to represent the ocean, with the yellow (–) in the USE-IT representing a connection across the water.  Geography is no barrier to our city partnerships!   

As Lead Partner we’ve been a bit cheeky and had to get Birmingham’s ‘Bull Ring Bull’ into the logo.  If you’ve ever visited Birmingham, you can’t miss him.  He’s a big Bronze Bull at the entrance to the Bullring Shopping Centre.  You could say, he represents energy and charging ahead – which is what we want to do with this project.

As a key aim of USE-IT is to promote Social Enterprise and new ways of working, we’re very pleased, that the logo was designed and created in East Birmingham by a Social Enterprise business.

So there we are.  Just a little bit of background to our logo.  We hope you like it.