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URBinclusion Final Conference in Barcelona

Edited on

18 March 2019
Read time: 2 minutes

On the 27 and 28 of March, Barcelona will host the final meeting and conference of this project funded by the URBACT programme and focusing on the co-creation of new implementation solutions to reduce poverty in deprived urban areas.

This event will bring together civil servants and political representatives from the nine cities involved in the URBinclusion project. The aim of this project has been the continuous interchange of information among partners about their experiences in implementing strategies to reduce poverty in deprived urban areas and, based on their previous experiences, the co-creation of new implementation solutions.

They mainly looked at three implementation challenges that threaten the success of many of this kind of actions: ensure the adoption of integrated approach and inter-departmental coordination; maintaining involvement of local stakeholders and organizing decision-making for delivery; setting up efficient indicators and monitoring systems to measure performance. Two other challenges were analysed as well: ensure the link between the strategic dimension and the operational level of implementation of actions and enhancing funding of urban development policies through financial innovation.

The Barcelona Municipality department of Social Rights has been the project leader and it is the organizer of this event that will involve other eight European cities partners in the URBinclusion project: Copenhagen, Glasgow, Krakow, Lyon, Naples, Timisoara, Trikala and Turin.

The first day of the event will be an internal meeting of the Network partners. During the second day there will be an event open to officers and civil servants interested in the topics related to the implementation challenges targeted by the URBinclusion Network. Following the presentation of the project results by the project coordinator and the two lead experts, there will be two sessions with three workshops each, where experts from the Network cities and from local initiatives will brainstorm about some “case examples” and “solution stories”. They will analyse in details the implementation challenges and they will present the learnt lessons. A final roundtable involving political representatives from the cities involved will discuss the relevance of the role of the cities for social inclusion and the lessons learnt by the URBinclusion network.



The registration for the 28th open event is available at the following link:

The international conference will take place at the Fabra i Coats - Espai Josep Bota - Carrer de Sant Adrià, 20, 08030 Barcelona with the following Agenda.

8.45 am-9.00 am: Registration

9.00 am-9.50 am: Preliminary results of the URBinclusion network

9.50 am-11 am: Parallel sessions (I) on each city’s case examples

- Group 1: Barcelona, Glasgow, Timisoara

- Group 2: Turin, Copenhagen, Trikala

- Group 3: Naples, Lyon, Krakow

11 am-11.15 am: Coffee break

11.15 am-12.25 pm: Parallel sessions (II) on each city’s case examples

- Group 1: Barcelona, Glasgow, Timisoara

- Group 2: Turin, Copenhagen, Trikala

- Group 3: Naples, Lyon, Krakow

12.25 pm-2 pm: Roundtable with political representatives from the URBinclusion network's member cities: the role of European cities in promoting social inclusion

2 pm-2.15 pm: Conclusion