#URBACTcity – Twitter Campaign Winner is…
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06 February 2015"Tag your Ideal City" was the theme of the URBACT Twitter Campaign launched within the framework of the 2013 OPEN DAYS – European Week of Regions and Cities.

Hundreds of tweets were collected from all over Europe, describing in pictures and words how the ideal city looks like to European citizens. City practitioners, simple citizens, students, professionals, youth and adults participated in the campaign, sharing the most various points of view.
Among all the received tweets, one was selected: here is how Ania Rok, winner of the competition, tagged her ideal #URBACTCity
Ania Rok @missrok
#URBACTcity is #innovative #inclusive #informed #goodplacetolive & #dancinginthestreets! #euopendays@URBACT
Ania will be rewarded with a copy of the brilliant book "The City Reader", a collection of essays on urban issues and city definitions.
Many interesting thoughts were shared during the campaign and URBACT wants to enlarge the discussion on city issues, keeping the debate lively.
Participate in the discussions, interact and share your ideas on Twitter. Find us @URBACT
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