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URBACT Working Groups met on October 9th, 2008 for their 2nd Thematic Pole Meeting

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute


"The second Thematic Pole meeting (for  Working Groups) was held in Paris on October 9th, 2008, attended by Lead Partners and Lead Experts of Working Groups, members of the URBACT Secretariat, and the Thematic Pole Managers.
The objective was mainly to provide the Lead Experts and Lead Partners with further information and guidance on  making a strong transition from the work done in the Development phase to the Implementation phase, and to facilitate sharing of experience among experts in order to improve exchange methodologies. It was the first time URBACT Working Groups met following their approval into the Implementation Phase. The meeting began with a discussion of the evaluations done by the External Assessment Panel and approved by the Monitoring Committee.
Next, projects considered the links between Local Action Plans, Local Support Groups and the implementation of coherent, effective Work Programmes. A workshop on the methods of exchange to be used in each project were then considered in light of the stakeholders, products and dissemination plans of each project. Finally attendees discussed the URBACT Annual Conference and project contributions to the event.
We provide you with the Powerpoints delivered during the Thematic Pole meeting:

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