URBACT Secretariat is looking to hire support for events organisation
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20 August 2015Events are one of the main features of URBACT Communications Strategy. Join us to make our events even more useful, memorable and engaging than they already are!

URBACT offers city officials, experts, policymakers and local stakeholders several opportunities to meet each other in person. Organised by the Joint Secretariat (at programme level) or by city networks, these events have various objectives:
- distribute and share information pertaining to urban policies (conferences, seminars etc.),
- reinforce stakeholder skillsets (training, summer retreats, peer reviews)
- influence key figures active at national and European levels, etc.
In the framework of the Communication Strategy of the programme for 2014-2020, we are looking to contract a communication agency able to support us in the succesful organisation and delivery of our events.
DEADLINE FOR SUMBISSION OF OFFERS: 14 SEPTEMBER 2015. More information about submission procedure in the Publicity document below.
Supporting documents:
- DC 1 - Letter of Application
- DC 2 - Declaration of Applicant
- Delegation of Signing Authorithy
Submitted by Simina Lazar on