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URBACT POSTCARDS! the city of Sofia in Bulgaria...

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 2 minutes

During summer, cities from the four corners (north, south, east and west) of Europe will share with us their summer activities. Every fortnight, a new city will have pride of place in 'URBACT Summer postcards'! Discover our last postcard : the city of Sofia in Bulgaria…

Sofia, for a better integration of the Roma community

Sofia, founded 7 centuries ago, has lived under soviet totalitarian leadership from 1944 until 1989. 1,2 million people live in the city. In Sofia, capital of Bulgaria, the dictatorial leadership came to an end on 10th November 1989. Among the current problems, the municipality has to face the risks of segregation between the Rom community and the rest of the city's population. Nadia Nikolova, Director of European Programs and Projects tells us about her city.
Welcome to Sofia! The first thing to strike a visitor upon arrival in our capital is the temperature: here, in July and August, we have about 30°! Next, he will discover the town walls of the antique city. These well preserved ramparts are from the 7th century before our era. But don't you believe that our culture dates back to the prehistory! Sofia is a very modern city, with its pubs, night clubs and concerts! Famous names, like Elton John, Ray Charles or Depeche Mode; they have all played here! To add to the portrait of our city, you should know that the film industry is developing rapidly: several important international productions have been filmed here. And Vitosha Boulevard, the principal avenue of the city, is ranked 22nd of the most expensive avenues in the world! This economic development is certainly due to our geographic location. In the western part of Bulgaria, at the foot of the Vitosha Mountains, Sofia is the second oldest city of Europe and is placed at the cross of international highways, in particular on the axes Belgrade-Istanbul. Even if the city is booming, certain of our inhabitants face difficulties finding long-term employment. Most of these disadvantaged fellow citizens belong to the Rom minority. At least 10% of the residents in Sofia are Roma. They live mainly in the very disadvantaged areas, be it in terms of infrastructure, education or access to health care. Add to this, problems of discrimination, exclusion from community life… You'll understand that we observe a growing trend of segregation, especially at school, between the Roma children and other children. It is for this reason that we joined the URBACT Thematic Network Co-Net, which has the objective to strengthen social cohesion. We've made good use of the summer time and constituted our Local Support Group, presided by our Deputy Mayor for Social Affairs. Then, on 21 and 22 of July, we received the Lead Expert of the Co-Net project, Rotraut Weeber who visited with us a Roma school and a school with a mixed structure for Roma and Bulgarian children. But we are also looking at the cultural development of the Roma. The proof? we have created a Roma cultural centre, open every day. Especially in July and August, it attracts a lot of visitors! It mainly provides professional training. You can study mechanics or become a hairdresser, for example. We focus on professions that are similar to Roma traditions and aptitudes. But you can also sing, dance and learn to play different musical instruments there! The European Union? Sofia has received approval under the first phase of the European South-East Programme just this very summer! This means that we are allowed to further elaborate five different projects for a total of 1.5 million Euros in the second phase of this programme. As Bulgaria is now a full member of the European Union, our responsibilities have increased. We have participated in different projects in the past but mostly to observe and learn about project management and administration. Now, we are full partners, but that means that we assume more responsibility. Important projects for us have been "Regions for Research" under the 6th FPRD and another research initiative on questions of energy efficiency! Read more:
