URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning
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09 October 2017In 2013, URBACT is launching a new initiative to support its beneficiaries in delivering better results at local level. Partners of 15 URBACT projects created under the 3rd and last call for proposals will benefit from a new support scheme entitled 'URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning'. Training seminars will be organised for Local Support Group members, in national languages, to strengthen their capacities in participative action planning.

When joining an URBACT project, each partner city commits to produce a Local Action Plan (LAP). This concrete and operational output shall address the problems identified by the city partner at the beginning of the project and draw on the results of the transnational exchange and learning activities implemented by partners over the life of the project.
These Local Action Plans should also be developed through participative processes, involving the stakeholders concerned by the policy challenge addressed by the partner city. For this purpose, partners are expected to set up and run an URBACT Local Support Group (ULSG), led by a Local Support Group Coordinator, gathering stakeholders for the co-production of integrated action plans.
This new National Training Scheme for ULSG will provide partners with tools and methods to enhance their Local Action Plans and with a platform to network with other URBACT partners and urban key players at national level.
Through the URBACT Local Support Group and Local Action Plan dynamics, the URBACT Programme aims to maximize the impact of the transnational exchange and learning on local practices and policies.
Please find here the list of the training seminars. This page will be regularly updated with new information.
Read more:
- URBACT National Training on Participative Action Planning - URBACT website
- URBACT Local Support Group - URBACT website
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