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URBACT Monitoring Committee : decisions on the Leipzig Charter Working Group and the launch of the second Call for Proposals

Edited on

22 July 2015
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT Monitoring Committee meeting took place under the presidence of Josef Postranecki in Prague on May 20th 2009 in the presence of all Member and Partner States and of the European Commission.

The Monitoring Committee made the following decisions : 

  • Working Group on the Implementation of the Leipzig Charter : The Monitoring Committee has approved the Working Group on the Implementation of the Leipzig Charter led by the city of Leipzig.
  • New Call for proposals: The Monitoring Committee has decided to launch the second Call for Proposals in June 2009, for the creation of 12 Thematic Networks and 3 Working Groups. This new Call will specifically focus on solutions to the economic crisis and global warning. Following a wide consultation on the thematic coverage, the Monitoring Committee approved a reduced/limited thematic coverage and priority topics to be addressed by project proposals under the 2nd call for proposals. Further information concerning this second Call for Proposals will be available online shortly.
  • Dissemination : Eleven National Dissemination Points (NDP) will be set up in the following countries : Germany and Austria (the same for the two countries), Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Sweden. The NDP are national websites that will publish online URBACT information in national language.
  • Cities and the crisis : The Monitoring Committee has decided the launch of a study on the effective impact of the crisis on cities and on first recovery programmes/ plans designed by local authorities to deal with this impact.
  • Aquila : At the request of Italian authorities, the Monitoring Committee has decided  to quickly study the possibility to create a group of european cities that would help Aquila, hit by an earthquake, to build a sustainable reconstruction project of the city and its area.
