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URBACT Monitoring Committee: Decision on the 3rd Call for proposals

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT Monitoring Committee meeting took place in Warsaw on November 14th 2011. Main point on the agenda: the URBACT II 3rd Call for proposals.

The members of the Monitoring Committee approved the terms of reference for the URBACT II 3rd call for proposals.

This 3rd and last call for proposals will be published during the second week of December and will be opened until mid-March. The call shall be launched for the creation of 19 new Thematic Networks.

From mid December to the end of January, URBACT INFODAYS will be organised in a maximum of European Union Member or Partner States. These meetings will be dedicated to the presentation of the URBACT II programme and of the 3rd call for proposals. National cities involved in the programme will share their experience. Last but not least, cities willing to set up or join an URBACT network will have the opportunity to ask for clarification on the URBACT framework and on how to apply to the call for proposals. Check the agenda of planned meetings to participate!

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