URBACT Markets Guidelines Offers Cities New Route Map for Development
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06 February 2015Understand and explore the role of urban markets as key drivers of change in terms of local economic development, regeneration and sustainable living. This is the obective of the URBACT Markets project led by the Spanish city of Barcelona. The project is structured in three main themes : Town Centre Regeneration, Low Carbon Economy and Employment and Entrepreneurship. A set of three thematic Guidelines written up by Barcelona, London and Torino have been developed to support this process and are now available.

Markets are important for cities for many reasons. They offer and create incredible opportunities for social, cultural, and economic wealth at the local level. URBACT Markets project’s importance lies in its goal of providing action-orientated knowledge about how to use urban marketplaces to develop low carbon, local supply chains, better and more sustainable urban planning, employment and entrepreneurship.
The three guidelines deal with the three core issues of the URBACT Markets project: how to use markets to develop an enterprise culture and tourism, bring about urban regeneration and create low carbon economies. Download URBACT Markets Town Centre Regeneration Thematic Guidelines (1.42 MB) provide an overview of best-practise approaches to market refurbishment and how to use these to drive urban change in the immediate vicinity to facilities.
The Download URBACT Markets Low Carbon Thematic Guidelines (1.06 MB) by London examines how URBACT members can develop their own Local Action Plans taking into account some of the benchmark practises currently being carried out, analysing transfer costs, too.
Download URBACT Markets Employment and Entrepreneurship Thematic Guidelines (431.58 KB) highlight how markets can be leveraged to generate wealth and employments, focusing on tourism and other enterprise initiatives.
Read more:
- URBACT Markets – website
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