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URBACT involved in the 2008 edition of OPEN DAYS.

Edited on

22 July 2015
Read time: 1 minute

The 2008 edition of OPEN DAYS (6-9 October 2008), the European Week of Regions and Cities, will gather 216 regions and cities from 32 countries. Organised by the Committee of the Regions and the European Commission's Regional Policy Directorate-General, this year's OPEN DAYS will be once again centred in Brussels.


Under the title of 'Regions and cities in a challenging world', the Brussels programme features more than 140 seminars and debates on four themes:

  • Innovating regions: Promoting research, technological development and innovation
  • Sustainable development: Regional responses to climate change
  • Co-operation and networking: Exchange of best practice in regional development
  • Looking forward: A European cohesion policy for tomorrow.

The OPEN DAYS is aimed at EU and regional policy-makers, experts and representatives of banking, business and civil society groups. The seminars and workshops will focus on first experiences of implementing the 345 cohesion policy programmes running from 2007-2013, worth a total investment of about EUR 500 billion in EU and national funds. A workshop, which will take place on 8 October 2008 (16:45 - 18:30, Brussels), will be dedicated to the URBACT programme under the title 'Cooperation on European urban development: The first year of the URBACT II programme'. The workshop will reflect on the experience that has been made by URBACT II partners in this exciting first year of the programme. It will also provide in-side views into the work of the network partners, and illustrate their way from the initial project idea to a very concrete, implementation-oriented network. Read more:
