URBACT Infoday in Germany
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20 June 2019The German Infoday took place in Essen, Germany on 15 September 2014. Participants were able to learn about URBACT, Network experiences and about URBACT III.

The infoday included a variety of guests from all over Germany such as city representatives, managing authorities and others interested in sustainable urban development policies. Participants had the opportunity to learn about URBACT, the programme, URBACT II results, and meet and interact with other participants.
The morning session of the infoday was reserved for partners and USLG member of ongoing networks. Partners were able to echange their experiences and discuss their Local Action Plans as well as ways of improvement.
The afternoon session of the infoday was open to all German cities and key urban players. The afternoon started with an introduction by Tilmann Bucholz from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety Construction. It was then followed by an introduction to the URBACT programme and URBACT III, which gave an overview on how cities can participate in the call. Furthermore, representatives from URBACT Networks in Germany discussed their exchanges and experiences.
Take a look at the programme in German and English for more info on what happened.
Presentations from the semiar:
Check out our URBACT III Flyer in German!
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