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URBACT II Thematic Pole Meeting N°4 dedicated to Lead Partners and Lead Experts

Edited on

22 July 2015
Read time: 1 minute

On June 9 and 10, 2009 in Paris, the URBACT Secretariat will host the fourth Thematic Pole meeting dedicated to the Lead Experts and Lead Partners of URBACT II projects.

The objective is mainly to provide the Lead Partners with further information and guidance on  project management, and to facilitate sharing of experience among Lead Experts in order to improve exchange methodologies (workshop on Methods and outputs). Please note that travel and accommodation costs will be refunded by the URBACT Secretariat for the appointed Lead Expert and a single Lead Partner representative. This meeting is worth 1.5 days of expertise at programme level. Tuesday 9 June: 1 p.m - 6 p.m
Wednesday 10 June: 9.30 a.m - 4.30 p.m  

Register as soon as possible. For information, please contact Shandi Miller(s.miller(at), URBACT Capitalisation Officer. Location:
Espaces Congrès
16 Rue Jean Rey F
75015 PARIS Read more: