URBACT City Festival – what came out of it
Edited on
21 June 2019On this page you can find the presentations, videos and photos that were produced between the 6 and 8 of May in Riga. The page will continue to be updated during the next weeks, so keep posted.

The URBACT City Festival held in Riga, May 6-8, was able to bring together various individuals working in urban planning issues, city officials, consultants, NGO officials, researchers, university professors, all concerning sustainable urban development.
The sessions of Masterclasses, Workshops, Walkshops, Meet the Cities, URBACT Café and many others were able to transmit some of the lessons learned by URBACT along with the possibility to exchange and build on new and better ideas.
To continue the exchange and the flowing of ideas you will be able to find below the presentations, the videos and the pictures that were from each of the sessions held at that Festival.
Job Generation for a Jobless Generation
New urban economies
Sustainable regeneration in urban areas
Social innovation in cities
- The Compact City - Adolf Sotoca, 6 May 2015
- The Sharing City - Emma Clarence, 6 May 2015
- The Empowering City - Germana di Falco, 8 May 2015
- The Investing City - Des Gardner, Mark Duncan, 8 May 2015
- Innovative City Branding: Beyond a Marketing Approach - Miguel Rivas, Live Riga
- Urban Change with a Creative Spint - Video
- ESIMeC Cooking Class: Cooking up Resilient City Economies
- CoCreating Careers
- Building Bridges to PREVENT Early School Leaving - Parents Declaration, Tallin Presentation
- My block is your Block? The Future of Large Housing Estates in Europe - presentation, summary
Submitted by Simina Lazar on