URBACT Call for Proposals for the Creation of Pilot Networks Now Open
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06 February 2015Following the decision of the URBACT II Monitoring Committee on 4 September 2013, an URBACT Call for proposals is now open for the creation of up to 4 Pilot Networks for the transfer of good practice in the field of integrated and sustainable urban development.

In URBACT II, the focus of exchange networks has been on fostering integrated and participative approaches to urban policies through sharing experience and practices, and improving local policies (production of Local Action Plans). The full chain of identification, transfer and validation of "good practices" in the field of urban policies has barely been explored. It is proposed to experiment this "capitalisation of good practices" process with small scale pilot projects under the current programme so as to explore tools and processes to be embedded in URBACT III.
The pilot Transfer Networks shall aim to:
- Support the validation of good practices through the transfer (re-use) by cities in the framework of a transnational exchange and learning project.
- Identify key elements of success for the transfer of the selected practices
- Explore how transnational cooperation can support the identification, validation, dissemination and active in-take of good practices in the field of integrated sustainable urban development (in the perspective of the URBACT III programme, with a focus on the EU2020 objectives).
More generally, these pilot Transfer networks shall allow the programme to explore how URBACT III could, building on transnational cooperation, foster and support the mapping, re-use and validation of good practices.
- Eligible partners: EU cities
- Size of partnerships: 3-5 cities including the Lead partner city
This call for proposals is open from 03 October until 04 November 2013, 02.00 pm CET.
Candidates will find all necessary information on how to prepare and submit a project proposal in the following documents:
Download Pilot_Transfer_Call_0310.pdf (351.87 KB) - PDF
Download PilotTransfer_DOI_04102013.pdf (345.73 KB) - PDF
Download PilotTransfer_DOI_04102013.doc (283.5 KB) - Word Document
Download Pilot_Transfer_Template_LOC.doc (132.5 KB) - Word Document
Candidates are also invited to read carefully both the Download URBACT II PROGRAMME MANUAL (1.17 MB) and the
Download URBACT II An Exchange and learning programme for cities contr ibuting to the European Commission Initiative Regions for Economic Change (828.89 KB).
Requests for information may be sent by email to m.houk@urbact.eu.
Important Dates
- All project proposals shall be submitted on 04 November 2013, 02.00 pm CET latest.
- Decision for the approval of Pilot Transfer Networks by the Monitoring Committee should normally take place during the next meeting scheduled on 29 November 2013.
- Following this decision, pilot Delivery Networks will operate during 16 months starting from 01 December 2013.
- All partners of approved projects will be requested to attend the kick-off meeting organised in Paris on 29-31 January 2014.
The Project Proposal Database
The project proposal database will help you to find city partners for your application (Declaration of Interest stage) or a project idea:
- If you are looking for partners, you can add your project to the database.
- If you are interested in participating in a project, you can check the project ideas posted by potential Lead Partners who are looking for partners.
Go to the database
Read more:
- Why getting involved - URBACT webiste
- URBACT Projects - URBACT website
- Find a Thematic Expert - URBACT website
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