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URBACT Annual Conference in Stockholm - Thematic workshops & Masterclass report

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Over 320 people attended the URBACT Annual Conference in Stockholm on November 25th, where URBACT projects discussed the challenges of integrated sustainable urban development in the context of economic downturn and environmental uncertainty.

 /><br />Interactive thematic workshops focussed on innovation and creativity, human capital & entrepreneurship, cities and demographic change, preserving or creating urban identities, governance models, regeneration of deprived neighbourhoods, the implementation of the Leipzig Charter, and cities response to the economic crisis. <br /><br /><br /><br /> <img  data-cke-saved-src= WK4_report_-_final_IT_DF.pdf - PDF Workshop 5 Local impact of territorial cooperation: Lessons from the Pilot Fast Track Networks MILE & URBAMECO

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Workshop 6 Deprived neighbourhoods, housing estates, abandoned sites: new practices in urban regeneration

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Workshop 7 Cities' contribution in improving human capital and entrepreneurship

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Workshop 8 Functional urban areas- Building appropriate governance models

Workshop 9 Cities responding to the crisis (building on the first results of the URBACT study)

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Workshop10 Implementation of the Leipzig Charter: Cities’ challenges and achievements (building on the contribution of the LC-Facil Working Group)

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LSG Master Class URBACT Master Class

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URBACT TRIBUNE (Lead Experts' articles distributed during the Conference)
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