Turin Local Event Open Patti, 2nd July 2022
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20 July 2022On the 2nd of July, the second local Open Patti event was held: a day dedicated to the City of Turin's Pacts of Collaboration, open to all citizens.

Twenty Pacts of Collaboration spread throughout the city, and the activities involved many participants getting to know the people who take care of public spaces, green areas, and buildings, that are all urban commons.
On Le Chiuse Street there is a building occupied on two floors by a Local Health Authority; the top floor is managed thanks to a Pact of Collaboration by a number of associations that together with Social Services, offer assistance to families, from after-school care to tutoring children in difficulty and parenting support. Association representatives met with council member Rosatelli and other visitors, giving tours of the spaces.
Figure _ Habitat via Le Chiuse
In Paravia Square a large group of residents watched an Aikido performance and got to know all the associations that take care of the flowerbeds and the square along with the Neighborhood House.
Figure _piazza P
The group of project partners followed an itinerary with a walk through the Pacts of Collaboration and the stalls of the Porta Palazzo market, one of the largest markets in Europe. In this square, an old disused newsstand has been transformed into a Community Concierge, a place where residents can benefit from very practical services, such as grocery shopping and parcel pick up, but also to discuss together, to plan actions, and to define how to involve more people. The walk continued to Don Albera Square, where a blooming flowerbed welcomed our group.
Figure _ Spaccio di cultura Community Concierge
After passing through the Porta Palazzo food market, the group walked down to the Dora River, past the Balon flea market, and arrived at a lively garden.
The Cardinal Pellegrino garden had been closed for years; during the closures due to the health emergency, a group of citizens reopened the play area, which was immediately very popular. After much work and effort, the Porta Palazzo Community Foundation managed to totally reopen it, and keeps it now active and open with a Pact of Collaboration that includes many social and cultural activities like educational gardens, film festivals, and moments of discussion with the garden's residents and frequenters, to decide together on future actions.
In the afternoon there was the chance to visit other places, where the will and enthusiasm of those who care for both the space and the community are evident, such as the Emilio Pugno garden and SCIA 131 on Sospello Street, crossing the city from south to north.
Figure _ Giardino Emilio Pugno
We concluded our visit to the Pacts of Collaboration with a stop to the Valla Garden, where Frankenstein, Captain Harlock, Wonder Woman, Sailor Moon and other fantastic creatures welcomed us, and invited us to enter the Museum of Fantasy and Science Fiction. Are you ready to board the Millenium Falcon for an incredible journey?
Submitted by Laura Socci on