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Transnational workshop in Tulln, Austria, 3 & 4 May 2010

Edited on

29 April 2010
Read time: 1 minute

URBENENERGY 2-days transnational workshop to discuss thematic project objectives was opened in Tulln, Austria, on 3rd May 2010. The workshop gathered around the table members of the extended URBENENERGY partnership including the municipalities of Avrig, Tulln, Durham, Pyrgos, Dve Mogili, Worms, Nice, CNR IMAA, and Valletta.

It is the presence of the Mayors of Valletta, Tulln, Avrig, and the Vice-Mayor of Dve Mogili that URBENENERGY transnational workshop was opened in the Austrian town of Tulln on 3rd May 2010. The workshop gathered around the table members of the URBENENERGY partnership (Avrig, Tulln, Durham, Pyrgos, Dve Mogili, Worms, Nice, CNR IMAA, and Valletta) with the exception of the city of Alleroed which couldn’t participated in the event.

The workshop found to be a well organised event, professionally prepared. The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss budgetary and management issues as well as the project’s first considerable output: the Baseline Study.

From the project’s thematic side, participants clarified URBENENERGY thematic objectives along so-called “horizontal pillars”. As a result, now a new pillar “models and technology” complements the existing four, the legal aspect has been added to the financial pillar and the “policy-making” pillar has been modified into “governance and institutional” pillar.

In addition to the thematic objectives, the partnership finalised the thematic areas that will serve the basis for the deep dive process. Discussion on the draft application form mainly focussed on the methodology of the City Labs/deep dive process, especially as to who will organise the master classes. A main emphasis was laid on finalising the expected results of the project, in accordance with the programme’s expectations with regards to wider dissemination. The transnational workshop in Tulln ended with a joint agreement on the draft baseline study and application form, signed by all participants.

On the 2nd day of the Tulln meeting the participants visited some sites of interest in and near Tulln, namely a wood chip heating plant, a straw heating plant in Stettldorf, the Agricultural Technical School and a biogas plant including district heating.

Following the meeting, Partners received a questionnaire for the purpose of clarifying issues linked to project contents and budget.