Transforming the town through Art and renew the sense of community
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31 August 2022To tackle the security issues in the city centre, Longord focused on the integration of different policies already in place in the city, while adding over it a programme of revitalization that included, for instance testing the installation of urban art (their SSA), redesigning walkways or improving public light to prevent anti-social behaviour.

The goal of municipality is to change people’s perception of overall safety in the city. In fact, mainstream and social media coverage tends to focus on high profile, negative news stories, incidents and events. To counter this negative perception, a set of activities were foreseen in their IAP to build community spirit and outline positive interventions and events in the city that can help to make a safer urban environment.
Over the course of several meetings and facilitated workshops, the ULG identified issues in a Longford context that have a negative impact on the perception of Urban Security for users of the town centre. These are summarised below:
Garda Profile (police force)
- Community Policing Unit
- Engage Marginalised and vulnerable Groups
Town Appearance
- Address Derelict and vacant units
- Install Landscaping
- Improve lighting
- Implement Urban Realm Improvements
- Address local and national PR and media relationships
Safe Mobility
- Remove barriers to visibility, accessibility and movement
- Implement active travel initiatives
- Prevent inappropriate use of vehicles on footpaths
- Reduce HGV's through Town Centre
Utilise Urban Assets
- Enhance links between focal areas
- Investigate regeneration of strategic sites
Garda Profile
(in the Republic of Ireland the national civilian police force is called "An Garda Síochána", meaning Guardians of the Peace)
The ULG consider the lack of Garda profile a contributory factor in the security issues facing Longford, including anti-social behaviour and loitering in certain areas, indiscriminate parking and criminal activity. More visible Garda presence and profile, including ongoing CCTV surveillance and Community policing will have a positive influence on how safe and secure people feel in using central Longford. Enhanced relationships with marginalised and vulnerable communities will increase a sense of inclusion and connection with the wider society. This action builds on existing work by the Garda community policing unit that has proved successful to date and integrates with the ongoing CCTV system installation and monitoring.
Town Appearance
A high-quality town centre will instill a sense of pride-of-place and identity within those that live work and use it. Derelict and vacant properties create an intimidating environment, coupled with poor lighting that deter pedestrian traffic and activity at street level. An attractive environment will increase activity and passive security, particularly in targeted areas. Public and private initiatives and investment have the potential to transform the town core, along with innovative solutions in lighting and wayfinding to secure a secure, accessible and inclusive central area.
Public Art - Some previous examples such as the Murals created during the Cruthu Art Festival (a locally run organization), have brought an amazing street art scene to the town of Longford. Improving the appearance of some walls and enhancing the perception of the surrounding space.
While the Garvey’s Yard project is one of many that Engage plans for Longford over the coming years, it is part of a bigger picture the organisation envisages for the town: to transform the perception of Longford, through public art projects, into a dynamic place to live, work and do business.
SSA example
This UrbSecurity project – of which Garvey’s Yard, Aonach, is part – is included in this drive, which seeks to create an enhanced sense of pride of place, security and a new sense of identity to areas that currently have a high level of anti-social behaviour and poor public perception.
Aonach – a collaboration between leading Longford arts organisation, Engage, and Longford County Council – not only brightens the streetscape as a standalone art piece, but also breathes new energy into the area by providing a framework for a covered craft fair and outdoor exhibition area. Engage has also played an instrumental part in the social development of Longford with its contribution to the Longford Urbact group. It has helped form policy and an action plan for the redevelopment and regeneration of Longford town centre.
The creation of a colorful sculpture occupying the sidewalks of one of Longford's abandoned streets has brought the issue to the table. Investment in public space always has a positive return. Not only has it made this street attractive, it has attracted activity and consequently improved the perception of safety of the space. This intervention on the public space has already allowed a wide range of works to be exhibited in this large space, including installations, sculpture, film, soundscapes, and painting. Additionally, it demonstrated the potential and need for a permanent exhibition space in the town which is now the only county town in Ireland without a dedicated visual arts facility.
"Through projects such as this sculpture we hope to help reserve the decline in the area by encouraging a greater through-put of people, as well as creating a renewed sense of community." Fergus Kennedy, Arts Officer, Longford County Council
Longford suffers from a poor public perception in a local and national context. High profile crime stories have created a poor town image and overshadow existing urban assets and good news stories. Popular and highly utilised amenities should have a higher profile and form a greater part of the identity of the municipal area, as should the high level of community participation and town spirit.
Safe Mobility
The town centre is currently dominated by vehicular traffic. Prioritising the pedestrian and nonmotorised traffic will increase activity, safety and security at street level. Use of inappropriate vehicles on footways and the significant number of HGV's in the centre discourages sustainable transport modes and the reduces the attractiveness of the town to pedestrians.
Utilise Urban Assets
There are attractive and well used amenities, focal areas and natural congregation areas within Longford. Improved connections between these areas, and regeneration of other, strategic assets, is required in order to create desirable movement patterns that will promote and enhance activity, vitality and vibrancy in the core area. Increased pedestrian movement at street level will increase the sense of security and safety.
Youtube video
Submitted by Patricia Moital on