Validated Lead Expert
Generic Skills
B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development:
After the graduation in Architecture at the Università Iuav di Venezia in 2002, I attended a Master in “Urban Planning in Developing Countries” (2003-4), with an internship at the Municipality of Quito (Ecuador) to develop a survey about the urbanization of the city informal settlements. In 2006 I was co-founder of Kallipolis, a non-profit organization based in Trieste, dealing with sustainable urban planning, that aims at improving livability in urban contexts through the approach of social urbanism, inspired by the principles of the United Nations Habitat Agenda. Since the beginning I have been Kallipolis legal representative and responsible of projects concept, partnerships building and human resources coordinator. My interest in urban development became tangible trough Kallipolis activities and I have had the opportunity to work for many international cooperation projects in several Countries beyond Italy such as: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ecuador, Vietnam and Romania.
The community planning approach as inclusive methodology for a sustainable urban development through a policy of Local Governace is my core research improved by a post-graduate course on facilitating in 2009 and following experiences on the field.
I have been engaged as urban planner consultant for Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (Parsjad project – Interreg programme), Municipality of Trieste (Useact project – Urbact Programme), UNDP (Art Gold Programme), NGOs and Universities.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level:
I has been involved in several transnational projects, among others:
“Medinas 2030”, a research project on the the Revitalization of Historic Cities in Southern Mediterranean international project, funded by the European Investment Bank. I was project assistant for Università Iuav di Venezia (2008) and I organized the international conferences in Paris and in Venice during the “Biennale di Architettura”.
“STRA.DE, New strategies of development for border areas in Sarajevo”(2009-10 Bosnia and Herzegovina)” and “People vs Borders” project (2011 -13 Bosnia and Herzegovina) funded by Friuli Venezia Giulia Region; I was project coordinator for Kallipolis in the organization of international meetings and activities of Italian and Bosnian partners.
Furthermore, I was engaged as expert consultant on “Albergo Diffuso Model” - (local tourism and economy model for development of small urban centers) for UNDP Art Gold project in Albania (2013) and for Kallipolis in the cooperation projects “Albergo Diffuso Drina” and “Upgrading katuns” (2012-13) in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where I was project designer and project manager; both projects used best practices exchange and learning by doing methods.
Then I worked as a consultant and Local Support Group coordinator of Useact project (Urbact II programme) for Trieste Municipality (2013 -15) and I have been involved in transnational exchange activities with the aim to produce Trieste Local Action Plan also on the basis of learning activities.
B.3. Proficiency in English:
I worked as a urban planner mainly for international cooperation projects where the ability to communicate in English is always required.
For several projects I worked for there was the need to write in English the project proposal in the funding request or to produce reports or surveys about results, meeting reports, etc. Moreover I presented project results in public conferences and I conducted project partner activities in English in several transnational projects.
For these reasons my ability to speak and write in English has improved day by day and year by year .
Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:
Since 2008 I have been involved in several projects as project manager or technical assistant in the design and implementation of transnational exchange and learning activities, working in many Countries, from Ecuador to Vietnam, and in many cities of the Balkans. For Kallipolis non-profit organization I designed and coordinated several cooperation projects mainly in Bosnia and Herzegovina about urban sustainable development, with different environmental focus, working with Local Authorities, NGO's and civil societies organizations. Among them “People vs Borders” in Sarajevo, about the involvement of local communities and Authorities of two Bosnian entities for the enhancement of an urban river thought a small urban park and a pilot project of a phytodepuration plant.
In 2008 I was project assistant for Università Iuav di Venezia within “Medinas 2030”, a research project on the Revitalization of Historic Cities in Southern Mediterranean funded by the European Investment Bank, to implement project activities and to organize the international conference during the “Biennale di Architettura” in Venice.
For Kallipolis, in 2015 I supervised the transnational activities of “TNET – Territorial networking for capacity building and local development: a cross border experience linking Lebanon, Jordan, France, Italy” funded by EU MED CBC and currently I am supervisor for the “Sustainable Tourist Development” project funded by EU CBC – Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Thematic expertise:
Theme / Policy:
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise:
Since my internship at Quito Municipality in 2004 my interest on integrated urban renewal is focused on disadvantaged neighborhoods and on providing innovative local policies for urban upgrading. I had the opportunity to work for the renewal of several urban areas in the Province of Trieste. In 2012 - 2013 I was coordinator and facilitator of the project “Social Housing Watch -SHOW” (Italy and Slovenia Cross Border Cooperation) to organize the participatory process for the renewal of public spaces ina social housing neighborhood built in 1950s in Muggia (Trieste). From 2013 to 2015 I worked as a consultant and local support group coordinator for Trieste Municipality for “Useact” network project (Urbact II programme), in the delivery of a Local Action Plan where the “volumetric credit” was proposed as an innovative tool to promote the refitting and regeneration of urban areas. From 2011 to 2013 I was project coordinator and technical consultant for the “People vs Borders” project with the aim to improve the management of cross border urban areas with a focus on a neighbourhood of Sarajevo (BiH), with the challenge to enhance, through a community planning process, an urban area stretching along a river. I wrote several papers and reports on this issue, promoting the exchange of policy messages and local best practices, and I have also been often invited to present case studies of “Urban regeneration” in workshops or lessons.
Theme / Policy:
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise:
Local Governance is a strategic instrument to manage growing cities and to give practical solutions closer to the needs of urban residents. the participatory process is the tool to be used to guarantee inclusive decision-making through relevant stakeholders' engagement and citizenship involvement. In my working experience, I have had the opportunity to design and facilitate several participatory workshops, starting from Agenda 21 processes to community planning workshops for district renewals in Italy and abroad, and to write reports, papers for policy-makers and practitioners, where solutions are often highlighted by the people for the people during participatory activities. I have learned that the challenge for the cities to became spaces of innovation and freedom has started from a more inclusive city that gives local communities a chance to be heard and to be involved in projects that affect them. Among others,I was project coordinator and facilitator for the following participatory processes: “Agenda 21 for sustainable mobility planning and public spaces rehabilitation” in Muggia (Trieste, 2007) and “Agenda 21 for sustainable tourism and energy saving” in Muggia and San Dorligo della Valle-Dolina (Trieste, 2008-9); “Adomestichiamo la città”, a research participatory workshop for masterplan design (Pordenone, 2008); “SpazioGretta”, a community inhabitant workshop to re-design urban open spaces of Gretta neighbourhood (Trieste, 2010); “ParSJAD”- UE CBC Italy-Slovenia project for the development of the Archaeological Park of the Northern Adriatic sea (Friuli Venezia Giulia, 2011-13); “S.HO.W. - Social Housing Watch” UE CBC Italy-Slovenia project for the re-desing of public open spaces in the social-housing district in Muggia (Trieste 2012-13); “Atelier Panzano”, charette workshop with the aim to create an inventory of relations between urban space and everyday life (Monfalcone – Gorizia 2013).
Moreover from 2013 to 2015 I was Local Support Group coordinator of Trieste Municipality for Useact project (Urbact II) where I coordinated participatory activities and the delivery of a Local Action Plan. and fFrom 2014 to 2015 I was facilitator for “Val del Lago Ecomuseum (UD)” , for the creation of a Parish map, built by shared knowledge of historical, cultural, natural values of community (EU Leader funds).
I was “community planning and participatory process” trainer in Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Vietnam and I have been frequently invited in seminaries and conferences to present participation methodologies as Local Governance best practices.
Theme / Policy:
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise:
I worked as a consultant in many international cooperation projects, mainly for NGOs and non-profit organizations, where the involvement of vulnerable groups is essential to reach project expected results. In particular I worked on projects focusing on the involvement of young, elderly, low-income people, women, ethnic groups and people with mental health problems. In 2007 in Trieste I worked on “Batterie non incluse” project, for the empowerment of people with mental health problems to avoid urban exclusion. In 2010, I was project coordinator of “Mostar-TV”, a project focusing on the involvement of young people to increase job opportunities and to enhance the local economic development of Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina). From 2011 to 2013 I was project coordinator and community planning expert of “People vs Borders” project, aiming at the involvement of the local communities of two Bosnian entities living in the same neighborhood of Sarajevo in order to develop a Local Action Plan. The involvement of young people had required special attention throughout all phases of the project development, from community planning to workshop and training activities. In the Province of Trieste I have been engaged in several urban renewal projects, mainly for social housing neighborhoods, where the age of inhabitants is increasing dramatically year by year. A special attention on the involvement of elderly population had been required in the participatory processes for Gretta district, “SpazioGretta”, in 2010 and for Zindis neighborhood for the project “S.HO.W – Social Housing Watch” in 2012 and 2013. In 2013 I was UNDP consultant of Art Gold project “Albergo Diffuso Model - local tourism and economy model for development of small urban centers” in Albania, that promoted the involvement of low-income people in tourism accommodation offer.
Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies
E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices :
Since 2007 I have been involved in several participatory projects, starting with Agenda 21 experiences and following community planning processes for urban sustainable development. I worked as a facilitator in the participatory process of “Social Housing Watch” project to re-design public open spaces of a social housing district in Muggia (Trieste); it was divided in four working sessions: an introduction meeting, two topic group sessions and a final presentation. In all sessions I encouraged people to participate more effectively by means of visual information such as thematic maps posted on the wall and post-it notes, coloured notes and banners. Topic groups sessions were facilitated using “interactive display” methodology, which allows people to engage in the issues and debate in their own and enjoyable way by making additions or amendments to pre-prepared exhibits, and “design workshop” methodologies, which is a hands-on session allowing small groups of professionals and non-professionals to work creatively together to develop planning and design ideas.
In other projects, as Useact project where I was LSG coordinator and consultant for Trieste Municipality from 2013 to 2015, I conduced the participatory process using mainly brainstorming and Goal Oriented Project Planning methodologies.These participatory tools ensure discussion among stakeholders and provide a clear framework to be implemented through the “Project Cicle Management” or the drafting of a Local Action Plan
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies:
In the delivery of Local Action Plans, urban strategic plannings and project proposals, I always insert partnership, budgeting, timetable and results indicators to ensure project outputs and outcomes.
ocal Action Plans of Agenda 21 processes, developed from 2007 to 2009 in the Province of Triesteon sustainable urban mobility, rehabilitation of urban public spaces, sustainable tourism development and energy saving, included real environmental indicators, quality indicators, budgeting, priority of implementation, partnerships in order to asses implementation activities.
Furthermore, in Local Action Plans of People vs Borders, USEAct networking , Bosnian intelligent housing and others, I provided an extremely clear document to be assessed during forecast activities.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level:
Starting from my Master degree on urban development of Developing Countries, my interest on urbanization, urban trends and challenges moves all around the world. Urban areas of Global South and Countries in Transition, abandoned or deprived European urban areas are my core research. During my work experience I have had the opportunity to be involved in several projects in a wide rage of Countries: Ecuador, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Romania, Algeria (Sharawi refugee Camps), Vietnam and Italy. Working on international cooperation has givenme the opportunity to study urban issues in the field and to meet policy-makers and experts that deepened my knowledge on urban challenges.
UN-Habitat Agency website and the reports edited by them are my main references on urban knowledge. I had also the opportunity to participate in “World urban Forum” held in Naples in 2011, where Kallipolis presented “People vs Borders” project. Moreover, I often participate in workshops on urbanization in Italy or abroad.
I frequently visit websites on Sustainable urban development and Urban trends to keep me updated and I monitor Urban Agenda of UN Habitat and EU policies websites.
To keep me updated on EU funds and programmes, I partecipate in EU programmes events whenever possible and I continuously monitor web sites on the topic.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities:
As already described, I have often been engaged as a community planning expert, not just to develop participatory processes for relevant stakeholders and local communities in planning projects, but also to train urban practitioners on participatory planning methodologies. Among others:
In 2012 for People vs Borders project I facilitated in Sarajevo and in Trieste the participatory meetings for urban strategies design of Dobrinja neighborhood in Sarajevo. In addition to project partners, also policy-makers and urban practitioners had been invited to the discussion; world café, scenario workshop and interactive display methodologies were used to ensure the final results.
From 2013 to 2015 I was Local Support Group (LSG) coordinator for USEAct networking in Trieste. There I supported technicians and urban practitioners through brainstorming andGoal Oriented Project Planning to design the Local Action Plan and the Guidelines of “volumetric credit awards” as the more innovative tool of Trieste New General Tow Plan.
Summary Expertise:
Since 2007 I have been involved in several participatory projects, starting with Agenda 21 experiences and following community planning processes for urban upgrading, territorial development and environmental management, where I worked as a team coordinator and facilitator. Participatory process is a tool to guarantee inclusive decision-making through the engagement of relevant stakeholders and citizens. In my 13 years working experience, I have had the opportunity to design and facilitate several participatory workshops, starting from Agenda 21 processes to community planning workshops for district renewals in Italy and abroad, and to write reports, papers for policy-makers and practitioners, where solutions were often highlighted by the people for the people during participatory activities. I have learned that the challenge for the cities to became spaces of innovation and freedom starts from a more inclusive city that gives local communities a chance to be heard and to be involved in projects that affect them.
Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages:
Foreign Languages level:
Foreign languages: