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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am an architect with experience in urban regeneration projects based processes of local economic revitalization. After graduating from IUAV University (Venice, 2007), I obtained a Master in Urban Design at Roma Tre University (Rome, 2010) and completed a Postgraduate in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building (Rome, 2011). Since I finished my studies, I’ve always paid special attention to sustainable development both in profession, with urban renewal projects, and within academia, as general coordinator of the above-mentioned Postgraduate course at Lumsa University of Rome. On the latter subject I’ve arranged workshops and conferences for the promotion of energy efficiency measures in an ecological way on behalf of Fondazione Italiana di Bioarchitettura. As a member of the non-profit association ItaliaNostra, I face regularly development issues, in relation to the enhancement of cultural and natural heritage, as a way to increase quality of life. Since 2011 I work as urban planner for the largest trade association in Italy, for which I developed strategies and plans for the local economic growth of several cities. Three of these plans were awarded by the National Institute for Urban Planning for their ability to balance private and public interests. In addition, since 2012, I work on URBANPRO project, a body intended to develop urban policies and strengthen territorial economic systems, supported by entrepreneurial associations and the National Council of architects.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
During the last two years I worked on the Italian-Slovenian project "Participatory Planning Workshop of Gorizia, Nova Gorica and Šempter-Vrtojba” in which several local stakeholders were involved: municipalities, the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation, the University of Venice and the local traders association. One of my tasks was to prepare transnational networking activities, connecting citizens and economic operators of both countries. Overcoming language barriers and cultural differences, the workshop implemented out many participatory phases (including meetings, focus groups, questionnaires) focusing on constraints and opportunities on the construction of a border region. I strongly believe in the importance of the transnational learning processes and, as coordinator of the postgraduate course in Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building, I brought to Italy the experience of many professionals working in the EU countries where the most advanced technologies are applied. In this case it was essential to act as a mediator between the foreign proposals and the Italian audience, finding technical and cultural ways to make the studied cases relevant in the Italian context. Lastly, I attended the final phase of the URBACT project TUTUR, which allowed for an exchange of expertise with many other European colleagues on urban regeneration topics and, in particular, on the role of local markets for which I suggested new management methods to be applied to the case of Rom
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Like most of young european citizens, I grew up studying English both in my country and abroad. My English is excellent in terms of understanding, speaking and writing, and I regularly deal with foreign students and colleagues at university, as well as at the conferences I organise. Since the organisation I work for operates also at European level, I use English during international meetings.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My thematic experience lies in the field of local economic development through participatory planning workshops involving public institutions, entrepreneurial associations, citizens and universities. Since 2011, I’ve been dealing with this issue in many cities through triple and quadruple helix collaborations which have enabled me to create a basis for sustainable local development through the real application of a system of knowledge. A widespread work at grass-root level has allowed me to draft plans supported by city users and associations, as a guarantee for their effective successful implementation. I believe that business depends on the city (for its articulation of services), however the city inevitably depends on business (for social and economic functions and opportunities for employment). In this perspective, the quality urban areas is a key issue both for the quality of life and the maintenance of a high level of vitality on the part of enterprises and this is the rationale underlying the works, national and transnational, that I’ve been carrying out in order to propose solutions based on an approach that goes beyond the simple concept of the economic function of businesses. In this field I developed skills to draft plans able to support the growth of enterprises and renew the urban environment, with a view to the social aspects and reconciling of the multiplicity of interests that are played in the territory.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise