Targu Mures is the capital of the Mures county in the northern part of Romania, region of Transilvania. The city has a population of about 150.000 inhabitants and one of the largest Hungarian communities in the country, comprising almost half of the total population (46.68%). Both Romanian and Hungarian are considered to be official languages and used in public signage, education, justice and access to public administration. Final Local Action Plan Report Tirgu-Mures (Feb 2011)
Final Report In the final report, the cities are asked to indicate, where they are strong, and have made progress, and where they will continue their efforts – with the help of a Local Action Plan – to achieve further progress and coverage.
(click here)
Each city must produce at least one case example, which best exemplifies, in their judgement, the MG activities and co-production with the young. Case Example Tirgu-Mures(Click here)
Tirgu-Mures movie
(click here)Local action plan Tirgu-Mures - in ProgressFuture for the youth
What's your LAP about?It is a strategy/plan identifying the measures/steps to be taken in order to establish the Counselling and Orientation in Career Office. This strategy determines the way this office could function, the resources necessary for the integration of young unemployed and graduate people into society and within their job.
1. Objective: Concrete diagnose on the needs/interest of the young people and the tendencies of the local economy, as well as an assessment on the report between request and demand of the workforce for each economic activity in part.
2. Objective: Building up an active, efficient and collaborative partnership between the educational, administrative, economic institutions involved within the young unemployed issue.
3. Objective: Improving the mechanisms within the educational units in order to facilitate the preparation of the young people for the professional qualifications and the specific dynamics of the professional world.
4. Objective: Creating a data base with the relevant information
5. Promoting the informing, counselling services.
Two local workshops have taken place since the Riga workshop, during which an assessment has been made on the current employment, educational situation, underlying the incoherence between the two sectors.
Where have you made best and most interesting progress?An active involvement has been registered on behalf of the employment and education community, i.e. concrete data (also in figures and percentages) have been received on the unemployment structure according to qualification levels, age categories, on current tendencies in the local economy, on existing school profiles.
The problems and obstacles to be mentioned are:
- the inefficient cooperation with the local business community
- challenging the prevailing structures to change the old patterns
These last two local workshops have been very efficient ones since the group members already know each other, they are more open to dialogue and their attitude is more cooperative than before.
At present the Local Support Group is drawing up the outline/framework of the strategy. It has been concluded that the first part should map the current situation on employment and education in the local context, while the second part should list the objectives and measures set up for the project’s final aim, the establishment of the Office for Counselling and Job Orientation in Career.See the movie below to get a first impression of Tirgu-Mures case study held in Riga (jan 2010) Below is a first set up of the Local Action Plan of Tirgu-Mures (jan 2010), click on it to see a larger version Click on the following documents to see a larger version What is interesting for Tirgu-Mures? Lessons learned during the Outreach workshop in Gdansk-Best practice model “c-stick”-Voluntary work of the young people!-Involvement of young-centered organisations (need of this is order to approach more young people)-Young shadow politicians (from Rotterdam)-Youth bus (by Birmingham)
A main challenge for Targu Mures is the immigration of young graduates to other cities or other EU countries due to the weak local labor market and to the low incomes.Targu Mures wants to put in place a new mediator unit of counselling to address this problem between education, the business community and the local authority. Through MY GENERATION the city wants to learn about good practices of youth labour-force management and employment of graduates and curbing immigration. Its key interest are better coordination and employment.
Please download the following document
Related Good Practices
My Generation
My Generation
The Key ideas of MY GENERATION
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