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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have developed a broad and in-depth understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development through work with and for the URBACT Programme. In 2019, I conducted an independent study of 205 Integrated Action Plans concluded by Action-Planning-Network cities. I developed a set of findings and recommendations for URBACT, as well as an updated framework for working on integrated action planning for sustainable urban development – breaking it down into 14 different elements. I have argued that it is useful to think of integrated action planning in terms of: 1) quality planning processes; 2) defining actions to deliver integrated urban development; and 3) a detailed and coherent plan of action. I have also shown how aspects of integrated urban development apply differently in different thematic and local contexts. I have been invited by the European Commission to present my understanding of integrated urban development as an expert speaker at the European Week of Regions and Cities. I have previously worked within the URBACT Secretariat as Partnerships Officer and on Knowledge Hub Editorial Management, enhancing my understanding of urban development issues and URBACT tools and methods. I also bring interesting perspectives to the understanding of sustainable urban development from previous work on European policy and networking around rural development, poverty and social exclusion, ageing, child rights and the EU’s environment programme LIFE+.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have worked in and for European networking since 2001 when I ran my own exchange project between UK and Spanish autism associations – supported by the EU’s Future Capital Programme. Since then, I have had full-time roles in Autism Europe, AGE Platform Europe and the European Network for Rural Development, as well as a three-year elected position on the Executive Committee of the European Anti Poverty network. I also have nearly 10 years’ experience as a freelance writer, facilitator and consultant specialising on European networks and networking. I have organised or experienced a variety of attempts to engage stakeholders in exchange and learning processes at transnational level, including the use of online platforms, thematic working groups, conferences and events, publications and different types of interactive session from Fishbowl to buzzgroups and from voting processes to consensus building. I have an excellent understanding of URBACT exchange and learning having worked in the Secretariat for most of 2018 and through current work in URBACT Knowledge Hub Editorial Management. In addition, I am currently an advisor to the Urban Future Global Conference and one of the co-founders of the Smart Village Network launched to support networking and exchange between villages and village associations in Europe.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am a native English speaker with a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University. I have worked as a writer and journalist, including a long-term, part-time role in the External Communications Team of the LIFE Programme (2007-2014) and three years as Communications Manager of the European Network for Rural Development Contact Point (2014-2017). I have produced a variety of types of content including evaluation studies, thematic publications, case studies, project articles, event reports, guides, newsletters, tweets and website content. I have written for the European institutions and a variety of NGO networks. I am used to orally presenting complex topics in English to European audiences. For example, I have presented URBACT at meetings of the Urban Development Network and the IAP Study at the European Week of Regions and Cities. Notably, at the time of the major EU enlargement (2003-04), I travelled around central and Eastern Europe presenting European networking, exchange and policy-making to older people’s associations on behalf of AGE Platform Europe. I have regularly facilitated workshops, sessions and debates in English both within European networks, for European projects and for the European Commission, European Committee of the Regions and a European Parliament Intergroup.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have worked in transnational exchange and networking since 2001 both as a full-time employee of European policy and NGO networks and as a freelance consultant and facilitator. I have specific experience with URBACT having been the Partnerships Officer in 2018 and conducted a study of URBACT cities’ Integrated Action Plans in 2019. Across different European networks, I have organised and led transnational exchange in formats including: statutory meetings of membership organisations; thematic working groups; debates; study visits; partner meetings; workshops; and trainings. I have worked with participants ranging from local stakeholders to high-level institutional representatives. I have written and led transnational cooperation projects, been elected onto representative bodies of European networks and managed small teams in the delivery of specific tasks supporting networking and exchange. I am skilled at bringing together partnerships, facilitating networking and exchange and producing clear and concise outputs. I have also worked extensively in communications, including 3 years as the Communications Manager of the European Network for Rural Development, 7 years as a freelance writer for the LIFE Programme and 10+ years as a writer/editor for a variety of European institutions and NGO networks. I have produced materials including thematic publications, leaflets, event reports, newsletters, case studies, guides and website content.


Residence location:
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise