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Physical Urban Development


Vital Cities under microscope!

As more and more people have adopted sedentary lifestyles, and as the associated health and social problems have worsened, governments have become...


Gender Equal Cities: Inspiration from Vienna

Vienna (AU) is famous for many things: classical music, exquisite architecture and good cakes too. Less well known is its reputation as an exemplar...


How to design and co-create greener cities?

Chantal van Ham, European Programme Manager Nature Based Solutions and Katharina Dropmann of International Union for Conservation of Nature Brussels...


InnovaTOr - Everybody is an innovator

Fabio Sgaragli, Lead Expert of the URBACT Transfer Network InnovaTOr reveals how Turin is spearheading Innova.TO, making municipal employees tomorrow...


Plan your own temporary use journey!

Marcelline Bonneau introduces the concept of Temporary Use and URBACT’s REFILL networks achievements over the past 2 and a half years.
