New labour markets: how cities could lead
Wingham Rowan, Director of Beyond Jobs, argues that cities have a key role to play in making new labour markets work. “I agree, if city governments...
Roma Community Building through Gardening
URBACT Expert, Bela Kezy, reports from Hungary on an effective way to work with Roma communities The distribution of firewood and used clothes was a...
Cities and good practice: lessons from the URBACT transfer pilots
Rumours of the death of good practice have been exaggerated There is a growing consensus that the planet’s future stands or falls on the ability of...
Cohesive or Corrosive? Why the Sharing Economy is Dividing Cities
Emma Clarence, Masterclass presenter at the upcoming URBACT City FESTIVAL, explores whether the Sharing Economy can impact upon urban inequalities...
Why Tackling Early School Leaving in Cities Matters
In his seminal book, The Rise of the Meritocracy , Michael Young set out his concerns for a society increasingly focused on qualifications and narrow...
Rightsizing, city sustainability and the growth dilemma
You’ve got to hand it to the Americans; they have a way with words. I was reminded of this last Friday during a conversation with a politician from...
Combining horizontal and vertical integration
There are many different interpretations and meanings attached to the integrated approach. These include balancing environmental quality, social...
The Cohesive City
Cities are the ultimate expression of shared space. Open and tolerant, the optimum European city model is built on social justice and economic...
The trade-off between environmental and social sustainability
It is easy (and unfortunately quite usual) to consider environmental issues in their own, separated from all other considerations. This way of...
Sometimes the Heart of the City is the Loneliest Place
What can cities do to fight the loneliness and social isolation of its citizens, young and old? Some answers from around the world: Seoul and its...