Using Design Coding for successful and sustainable housing developments
Why urban coding is a good tool for quality in urban space, excellence in design and performance in building? HOPUS "Housing praxis for urban...
Survey on the impact of the economic crisis and the responses of URBACT cities
You are a city practitioner who wants to develop and implement responses to the crisis, in the fields of economic development, social inclusion and...
Portrait: Johannes Hahn, Commissaire européen à la politique régionale
Johannes Hahn est Commissaire européen à la politique régionale depuis février 2010. Homme politique réputé en Autriche, il a travaillé pendant...
Portrait: Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Regional Policy
Johannes Hahn has been the European Commissioner for Regional Policy since February 2010. He is a well-known politician in Austria, where he has been...
Special Report: EVUE - "Enabling electric vehicles to prove themselves in the street"
With the progress made in terms of battery life, electric vehicles will soon be a reality in the urban environment. Matthew Noon, who has a...
Portrait: Mirela Petrar, une activiste des énergies vertes
Mirela Petrar, Chef de file du nouveau projet URBACT URBENENERGY, nous dit ce qui la motive pour faire de sa ville Avrig, en Roumanie, un banc d'...
Portrait: Mirela Petrar, a Green Energy Activist
Mirela Petrar, Lead Partner in the new URBACT project URBENENERGY, tells us what motivates her in making her city—Avrig, Romania—a testing ground for...
Special report: Urban Journey to the Centre of Sweden (2/2)
This is the second part of our initiatory journey to eight Swedish cities that are partners in URBACT projects . After Umeå, Gothenburg, Lidingö and...
Special report: Urban Journey to the Centre of Sweden (1/2)
There are bicycles everywhere, buildings that are eco-sustainable from their foundations right up to their planted roofs, and hundreds of green...
Read URBACT Thematic Pole Manager's article : "L'Aquila: Surviving the Aftershock"
Download L’Aquila Surviving the aftershock URBACT Thematic Pole Manager (4.98 MB) . An article written by Philip Stein, Thematic Pole Manager,...