"Heritage as Opportunity" - HerO Results
The cultural heritage of historic cities not only has a role to play in making these cities attractive, it must also adapt to new economic,...
"L'héritage comme opportunité" - Résultats de HerO
Le patrimoine culturel des villes historiques a non seulement un rôle à jouer dans l'attractivité des villes mais il doit aussi s'adapter aux...
What went on during HerO Final Conference?
The URBACT ' HerO - Heritage as Opportunity ' project held its Final Conference in the German Lead Partner city Regensburg on 13th and 14th April...
Portrait de Wolfgang Domian - "Inspirons-nous des bonnes idées des autres !"
Wolfgang Domian, Chef de file du projet URBACT OP-ACT est un homme de convictions. Directeur général des services de la ville de Leoben en Autriche...
Wolfgang Domian Portrait - "Let's be inspired by others' good practices"
Wolfgang Domian, Lead Partner for the URBACT project OP-ACT is a man of conviction. He is General Manager of city services for the city of Leoben ,...
Urban Hotspot 2.0 - The challenge of integrating knowledge hubs in the city
Cities all over Europe are developing "knowledge hotspots" - physical concentrations of knowledge intensive or creative activity. Increasingly such...
Creativity Can Act as a Driving Force for Economic Development - Interview with INTELI's President
INTELI is an Innovation Centre located in Lisbon, Portugal. Culture and creativity, sustainability and urban regeneration, and social innovation are...
Cruise Traffic & Urban Regeneration of Port Cities - The City of Dublin in the Spotlight!
You are interested in cruise traffic and urban regeneration of port cities: read the Download CTUR citynews N.4/2010 Dublin (1.53 MB) of the URBACT...
OPENCities Final Conference - Why city openness matters during recession?
The URBACT OPENCities project is going to complete its programme of exchange and learning activities. The 9 project partners have worked on...
HerO Case Study - Visitor Centre World Heritage in Regensburg
Regensburg is Lead Partner in the URBACT project HerO 'Heritage as Opportunity' working on integrated and innovative management strategies for...