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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Professional Background Jean-Jacques Terrin undertakes currently research and publishes books on the changing urban design practices and their relations with collaborative work, innovation and sustainability. He had a long practice as an independent architect and urban designer on numerous urban design and planning projects, in France and abroad. His current activities in the frame of European projects give him a good knowledge of issues and making of the European cities. => He is fluent French, Spanish, English, correct in German and Italian. Educational Background 1971-1973 School of Architecture at Marseille, France. 1970-1971 Technical School at Winterthur. 1965-1970 Zurich Federal Institute of Technology. Academic Background 2009 to 2012 Professor at the Versailles School of Architecture & from 2009 Director of LeaV, Research laboratory attached to this school. ⇨ Teaches sustainable urban planning and project management. ⇨ Regular educational exchanges with Kyoto Institute of Technology (Pr. Kimura). ⇨ Member of research team for urban environments. 1998 to 2003 Design & Head of GSU, Urban engineering department at Compiegne University of Technology. ⇨ Teaches sustainable urban planning and building. ⇨ Regular educational and research exchanges with Karlsruhe University (Pr. N Kohler), Technical University Vienna (Pr. I. Wagner), Bartlett School London (Pr. G. Green). ⇨ Member of research team for urban environments. More online: www.terrin
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
2011-2015 Exchange and learning transnational doctorate seminars: ⇨ PhD Seminar and Workshops: « Design Process and Innovation », LéaV, School of Architecture at Versailles, 2011-2015. ⇨ PhD Seminar and Workshops: « Design Process and Innovation », Research Group IF, University of Montreal, 2012-2015. ⇨ PhD Seminar and Workshops: « Design Process and Innovation », School of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, 2011-2014. 2009-2012 Annual educational exchange and learning workshops with French students at Versailles school of architecture & Kyoto Institute of Technology (with Pr. Kimura, KIT). 1996-2001 Management of major research exchange and learning programme “Programmer, Concevoir” (Programming & Design) at the French Ministry of ecology and urban planning dedicated to architectural and urban planning tools and practices, including European and international benchmarking.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
Lead of English speaking EU Projects 2013-2015 Enter/Hub: Lead Expert for EU Network exploiting Railway Hubs and their Urban Benefits, Urbact. More online: 2008-2015 POPSU Europe, Scientific Oversight of a Platform for Urban Development in Europe. Seminars and publications with European cities. Atelier International du Grand Paris. More online: 2006-2011 IP City, Project on Interaction in Urban Environments. Scientific Oversight for the urban expertise, Member of Scientific Board. EU Commission, 6th RDFP. More online: Publication of books & papers in English (select.): 2014 Terrin J.J.: Flood Zones in the City, bilingual French-English, 250 p. 2013 Terrin J.J.: Gardens in the City, French-English, 317 p. 2011 Terrin J.J. dir.: Walking in the City, French-English, 279 p. 2011 Terrin J.J. dir.: Railway stations and Urban Dynamics, French-English, 217 p. Regular participation to international conferences (selec.): 2015 Terrin J.J., High Speed Train and the city, University Paris Est. 2012 Terrin J.J., Walking in the City, International Conference, Teheran. 2011 Terrin J.J., New issues for sustainable architectural and urban design, Montreal. 2009 Terrin J.J., High Speed Train and Urban strategies, Global Cities Summit, Rotterdam. More online:

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
2013-2015 Lead Expert for Enter/Hub: European Network exploiting Railway Hubs and their Urban Benefits, Urbact. 2014-2019 Associate researcher for urban, environmental and architectural expertise, and member of the scientific committee for PARTICIP research Group, Montréal. 2013-2015 Senior researcher for a France-Quebec Exchange and Learning Project, University of Montreal. 2012 Senior researcher for Immercity, an in situ mixt reality mobile visualisation and exchange device supporting participatory design processes. 2011 Europan, building innovative issues and programmatic tools for a biennial competition for young architects across Europe. 2009-2011 Scientific Oversight of a European comparative study on Eco-districts and Sustainable Design, Architectural & Urban Issues. 2009-2015 Regular exchange and learning transnational workshops & doctorate seminars at School of architecture at Versailles, University of Montreal and University of Tirana. 2008-2015 Scientific Oversight of Platform for Urban Development in Europe, POPSU Europe, Atelier International du Grand Paris. 2006-2011 Scientific Oversight for the Urban expertise, Member of Scientific Board for IP City, Project on Interaction in Urban Environments, European Commission, 6th RDFP. 1996-2001 Management of research exchange and learning programme “Programmer Concevoir”, for the French Ministry of ecology and urban planning, on architectural and urban planning processes and tools.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Academic experience 1996-2015 Associated Researcher at University of Versailles, University Paris-Est, Associated Researcher at University of Montreal, Associated Researcher at University of Tirana Albania, Head of doctorate school: ⇨ Research projects and publications on urban planning and urban renewal. More online: 2001-2012 Versailles school of Architecture, Head of the school’s Urban Research Laboratory ⇨ Teaching sustainable urban planning and project management. 1996-2001 Head of GSU, Urban Engineering Department. ⇨ Teaching sustainable Urban Design and project management at Compiegne University of Technology. 2014-2015 Presentation of J.J. Terrin's book “Le Projet du projet, concevoir la ville contemporaine”. ⇨ Conferences Toulouse, Caen, Paris, Vienna, Barcelona. 2014-2019 PARTICIP research Group, Leading institution: Polytechnique Montréal, Associate researcher for urban, environmental and architectural expertise, and member of the scientific committee. 2006-2011 IP City, Project on Interaction in Urban Environments. Scientific Oversight for the urban expertise, Member of Scientific Board. EU Commission, 6th RDFP. ⇨ Organisation of an exhibition at the EUROPEAN CITY OF SCIENCE EXHIBITION, 14-16 Oct. 2008, Grand Palais, Paris. 1972-1982, Partner of urban and architectural design firm Atelier 9, 50 collaborators; 1982-1995, Independent consultant in Paris. ⇨ Numerous urban development projects, in France, Europe and Africa.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
1996-2015 Associated Researcher at University of Versailles, University Paris-Est, Associated Researcher at University of Montreal, Associated Researcher at University of Tirana Albania, Head of doctorate school: ⇨ Research projects and publications on urban planning and urban renewal. More online: 2001-2012 Teaching sustainable urban planning and project management at Versailles school of Architecture. 1996-2001 Teaching sustainable urban design and project management at Compiegne University of Technologie. 2015 “Urban Heath Islands, cities facing climate change”. ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Barcelona and Vienna, with cities of Barcelona, Lyon, Nantes, Marseille, Rome, Stuttgart, Toulouse and Vienna and publication (11/2015). 2014 “Flood zones in the city, new urban approaches”. ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Marseille and Rotterdam, with cities of Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Dunkerque, Hamburg, Lyon, Mainz, Marseille, Rotterdam, Toulouse. 2013 “Gardens in the City”. ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Berlin and Toulouse, with cities of Amsterdam, Berlin, Lyon, Malaga, Nantes, Toulouse. 2010 “Walking in the city” ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Paris and Vienna with cities of Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Lyon, London, Paris, Vienna. 2009 “High speed train and new urban strategies” ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Lyon and Torino with cities of Barcelona, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Rotterdam and Torino. More online:
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Academic experience 1996-2015 Associated Researcher at University of Versailles, University Paris-Est, Associated Researcher at University of Montreal, Associated Researcher at University of Tirana Albania, Head of doctorate school: ⇨ Research projects and publications on urban planning and urban renewal. More online: 2001-2012 Versailles school of Architecture, Head of the school’s Urban Research Laboratory ⇨ Teaching sustainable urban planning and project management. 1996-2001 Head of GSU, Urban Engineering Department. ⇨ Teaching sustainable Urban Design and project management at Compiegne University of Technology. 2013-2015 Enter/Hub: Lead Expert for European Network exploiting Railway Hubs and their Urban Benefits, Urbact. 2010 “Walking in the city” ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Paris and Vienna with cities of Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Lyon, London, Paris, Vienna. 2009 “High speed train and new urban strategies” ⇨ Two thematic seminars in Lyon and Torino with cities of Barcelona, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Rotterdam and Torino. More online:

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
2013 Co-organisation of a partnering/visioning workshop on the new campus for University de Montreal, August 2013, Montreal. 1. Analyse main influent issues on the site: 1) uncertainty du to social and physical changes; difficult rallying of citizen; lack of tacit knowledge; weakening of the decision-making process; 2) increase of number of stakeholders, diversity of economic point of views; 3) increasing demands through participative democracy. 2. Organise a transdisciplinary and participative decision process in the framework of the design process. 3. Evaluate current dormant potential opportunities for quantum change – arising from the site and context): potential of transformation, involved stakeholders. 4. Evaluate what the transformational project or larger site and context truly requires ensuring sufficient resilience over time and a quantum leap towards a sustainable lifestyle - irrespective of the ease or difficulty of attaining such dimensions. 5. Test and asset partnering and visioning participatory tools proposed by Quartier International de Montreal (QIM) team. Senior coordinators and supervisors: France (Versailles): Jean-Jacques Terrin, Valentina Carputti, Gilles Ebersolt; Canada (Uni. de M.): Gonzalo Lizarralde, Daniel Pearl.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
2012-14 Doctorate seminar at University of Montreal “Faire Mieux”. Organization, animation and involvement in one or two week’s thematic conferences and workshops “Design and innovation, collaboration and interaction in Urban design”, with groups of 10 to 20 PhD students, helping exchange, cross learning and building thematic methodological framework for their thesis. Language English, French, Italian. ⇨ Concept map as support to the presentation of a research program after cross analysis between PhD students groups.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
1. Participating to several national and international conferences, either as participant, as speaker or as member of scientific committee. 2. Member of scientific boards of several national and international institutions. Member of the scientific board of network RAMAU. Member of the scientific board of MEDIACONSTRUCT. Member of the scientific board of POPSU Europe. 3. Organising doctorate seminars, inviting key speakers, participating to academic round tables, collective publication, etc. 4. Reading scientific literature, participating to lecture committees for editors and scientific institutions. 5. Organising or participating to visits or study trips of urban interesting realisations, recently in Japan Tokyo, Kyoto), China (Shanghai), Canada (Montreal Quebec), and several countries in Europe (Netherlands, Austria, Cataluña, Finland, etc.) More online:
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Organisation of regular workshops in Tirana, Albania, with PHD students and professional stakeholders on the informal city by adapting participatory methods and tools including Partnering and Visioning methodology learned and experimented in Montreal with researchers of the University of Montreal and the people in charge of the project management of Quartier international de Montréal & Quartier des spectacles.
Summary Expertise: 
Organisation of partnering/visioning participatory workshops in professional (new campus for University de Montreal, August, Montreal) and academic (doctorate seminars and workshops at Versailles, Montreal and Tirana) framework. Participating to several national and international conferences, either as participant, as speaker or as member of scientific committee. Member of the scientific board of several national and international institutions. Organisation of thematic seminars with cities, experts and academic researchers, inviting key speakers, participating to round tables, directing collective publication. Organisation of regular educational and learning workshops in Tirana, Albania, with PHD students and professional stakeholders on the informal city by adapting participatory methods and tools including Partnering and Visioning methodology.


Residence location:
French - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise