URBACT and public procurement: a wealth of knowledge to share
Unlock the potential of public procurement in your city, with URBACT expert Matthew Baqueriza-Jackson.
Space4People – cum contribuie sistemul de transport la configurarea spațiului public, răspunzând la nevoile oamenilor?
Nu este o noutate faptul că orașele noastre sunt în creștere, iar previziunile arată o creștere a populației de la 72% la 85% în zonele urbane până...
Com.Unity.Lab: empowering local communities in priority neighbourhoods
Daniela Patti showcases examples of sustainable urban development in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Lisbon (PT) and explain how Lisbon’s experience...
How transport adds to public space meeting people’s needs?
Space4People, challenging the use of public space!
Cities and digitalisation: “Adapt or die”
How can cities benefit from digitalisation? With dramatic headlines about jobs being destroyed by digitalisation, and many policy makers resisting...