BioCanteens#2: cities engaged for food democracy and sovereignty
3 primary schools’ canteens in the city and a thousand lunches par day 100% organic and mostly local with no cost increase! That the magic of the...
Rückblick: URBACT City Festival 2021
URBACTs großes transnationales Festival für Stadtmacher:innen und kommunale Praktiker:innen fand in diesem Jahr ausschließlich digital statt. Trotz...
Neue URBACT-Veröffentlichung: Wie Städte von guten Beispielen lernen können
Eine neue Broschüre fast das geballte Wissen aus den URBACT-Transfernetzwerken zusammen und zeigt, wie Good-Practice-Beispiele von einer Stadt zur...
Manchester's improvement story
Playing our full part in Manchester and taking it on the road How sharing our approach with other European cities has helped Manchester take its...
Culture connects on climate - Wroclaw's transfer story
By: Kamila Bzowy, Senior Specialist for Climate Action and Piotr Matunin, Project Manager, Wrocław City Hall
We Art the Change - Mantova's transfer story
How working with Manchester shaped Mantova’s arts and culture sector as a driver for positive change on climate
Agents of change - Agueda's transfer story
By Célia Laranjeira and Carla Couceiro - Environment Office, Adriana Mesquita and Paulo Brites - Culture Office, Municipality of Águeda and Aldina...
Enhancing the care of the city: Naples Transfer Story
In 2018 the city of Naples was awarded by URBACT for its model of “civic uses”, a policy tool that enables communities of citizens to manage and take...
Incubating commons: Gdansk Transfer Story
The main challenge for Gdansk is the execution of inhabitants' rights to the city related to common management of public spaces and local democracy...
Energy and food as commons: Amsterdam Transfer Story
Amsterdam is a municipality that harbours creativity and social innovation. Winning the Icapital award in 2016, Amsterdam aims to stay a frontrunner...