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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am director and co-founder of PUPA – Public Urbanism Personal Architecture, urban design and research company in Vilnius. With my team we work with municipalities, ministries and private sector, consult and prepare projects related to sustainable urban development, integral renewal, public space, place-making and sustainable transportation strategies. I studied urbanism and obtained master’s degree in Delft University of Technology, in the Netherlands. After studies I worked on the topics of urban development and renewal and sustainable water management strategies related to urban development. Part of my experience comes from participating in various international competitions where majority of my entries were awarded. Most recently I worked as a local expert in Vilnius (Lithuania) in the URBACT II Re-Block network. I was responsible for preparing urban vision, Local Action Plan, managing Local Support Group and organising Peer review session. I was also involved in the capitalisation work-stream on Sustainable Regeneration in Urban Areas under URBACT II as local expert. I am a tutor at a self-learning program Continuous Professional Development for Landscape Architects in the Baltic Sea Region, where I teach landscape architects participation methods and place-making strategies for city public spaces. I also manage number of projects related to urban renewal, city centre regeneration, new sustainable development and sustainable transportation.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I believe that transnational exchange brings projects further more to advanced level. I see that projects positioned in the international context tend to be more direct, sharp and innovative. The exchange of expertise, knowledge and experience gives project partners broader view on the tools, methods and possibilities available. I have been involved in several transnational exchange and learning activities. I was a local expert in Vilnius (Lithuania) in URBACT II Re-Block network, were my collaboration with Vilnius city municipality brought very positive results (2013-2015). I was involved in URBACT capitalization work-stream Sustainable Regeneration in Urban Areas, where sustainable regeneration lessons of Vilnius were compared with experiences in IBA Hammburg in Wilhelmsburg. Furthermore I am tutor in a self-learning program Continuous Professional Development for Landscape Architects in the Baltic Sea Region (2014-2015). Earlier I have participated in transnational learning activities for young researches, architects and entrepreneurs, such as the Baltic Lab programme, promoting collaboration and learning between entrepreneurs and creatives in the Baltic Sea region (Stockholm, Sweden 2013), I have joined Europan11 Forum of results, were best young architects from all around Europe were exchanging experiences (Wien, Austria 2012), and I took a course at Delft School of Design, where transnational learning methods were applied in Delft (the Netherlands ) and Singapore 2008
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have lived, worked and studied six years in the environment were English was every day’s language (United States of America and the Netherlands). Master’s degree was acquired in the English language programme; I spent over 5 years working in the offices with international staff and the projects were delivered in English language; furthermore I have written several articles in English; English is the language of all international projects and activities were I have been active.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I am young and ambitious urbanist with high knowledge and experience in various city processes and in managing complex projects. Being involved in various international projects both as project leader and as urban designer gives me broader view on problematics and possibilities available during the transnational exchange progression relating to the cultural, economic, societal, governance and spatial aspects. I’ve already been involved in URBACT program therefore I am familiar with the project environment and the whole network environment. I strongly focus on delivering clear and easy to read results whatever complexity the project is therefore it is easy to grasp the message, quickly learn about the project and exchange the knowledge. The project process is as equally important as the final results, therefore I use various tools and digital media to make the exchange interactive, easier to understand and quicker to react. Having on-site and on-line managing experience gives me ability to apply most effect methodology and focus on the topic and the results. I am result oriented therefore my focus is on effective network where knowledge and learning activities are at the highest efficiency. Publicly available reports can be viewed here: Work portfolio can be found here:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Working in a field of Urban Strategic Planning is my major expertise and occupation. I am director and founder of urbanist company PUPA ( that focus on strategic urban planning. I work with major municipalities in Lithuania, prepare districts’ development visions, development strategies, local action plans, feasibility studies, participate and awarded in international urbanistic competitions. My expertise in Urban Strategic Planning is in density, compact city, transit oriented development, urban regeneration, mix use and public space. I was local expert in URBACT II Re-Block network, where I was preparing integrated neighbourhood renewal vision and local action plan and I was involved in URBACT capitalization workstream on sustainable regeneration. The other major projects are: public space renewal strategy in housing estates in Klaipeda (LT); market district regeneration strategy as a tool to revive inner city of Klaipeda (LT); research and concept development vision for allotment gardens in post-socialist cities, a self initiative to counteract unplanned and chaotic urbanization of suburbia. The project was presented in the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2014. Furthermore I am involved in various other seminars, initiatives, projects where I consult, supervise or give thematic inputs about urban planning, urban design and public space design.
Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I believe that in this unstable economy and competitive environment urban renewal is a key component in every city’s or region’s sustainable urban planning. I have been dealing with urban regeneration project during my entire urbanist career. While leading my company PUPA my expertise in Integrated Urban Renewal are in neighbourhood regeneration strategies, inner city renewal, brown-field sites redevelopment and renewal of public spaces. I was local expert in URBACT Re-Block network, where I prepared neighbourhood renewal vision and local action plan. I was involved in URBACT capitalization workstream on sustainable regeneration. I was project leader in urban renewal projects in Lithuania: 1-public space renewal strategy in housing estates, Klaipėda; 2-Klaipėda Old town market district regeneration strategy as a tool to revive the inner city; 3- feasibility study about reconstruction and new uses of historical church in Klaipėda historic town; 4- Conversion urban vision and development strategy for old wood-mill in Šilutė historic centre; 5- Multitalented city – conversion of university campus into a mix use centrality in Reims; The other relevant projects are: Lituanica shoe factory conversion urban vision in Kaunas; Clean tech delta - study about possibilities to redevelop Stadshavens in Rotterdam (NL); (FR), which got first prize in the international Europan competition; Ijseldocs industrial area conversion to the new housing neighbourhood, Doetenchem (NL);
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Housing
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Sustainable housing and sustainable urban development are inseparable themes. I have been working with housing theme since the beginning of my career, as I was one of the main designers at SOHO Vilnius project, where 500 housing units were planned. Further on, I have developed expertise in the Sustainable Housing theme by participating in various local and international design competitions. Flexible housing typologies were developed for projects Collective Neighbourhood in Vilnius, Balcony and 1001 Terrace in Kaunas (LT). In the Curonian Delta strategy I have analysed and proposed 24 possible housing typologies suitable for Silute (LT) region. My major recent projects were about regeneration of massive housing estates in Lithuania. Zirmunai Triangle project was part of the URBACT Re-Blok network, were I was a local expert. I did Lithuanian housing policy overview, studied and proposed possible energy improvement schemes and retrofitting ideas for the pre-fab panel houses. I am educated as an urbanist (MSc,TU Delft, NL) and I am co-founder of company PUPA ( We work with private sector and municipalities, trying to propose best affordable and sustainable housing ideas, developing various typologies, densities, materials.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Large scale urban project are undivided from mobility aspect. My projects cover public transportation, transit oriented development, bicycle infrastructure or walking. I have developed knowledge about sustainable mobility during my master’s studies at TU Delft (NL) as my graduation project and thesis were about transit oriented development and slow mobility networks in public spaces. Later, during my urbanist career I constantly work with urban mobility theme. I have developed a Mobility Spot concept for projects Multitalented city and Fields of Synergy, both awarded in international design competitions in France and Australia.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Participation of residents and major stakeholders in urban projects is a very important success factor; therefore participation is always a key element in all projects I do. 1) Re-Block project I have managed LSG consisting of representatives of municipality departments, residents, social associations and entrepreneurs. During the meetings, excursions, workshops and debates I have managed to involve everyone to represent their needs, express opinion, consult and give proposals. 2) In Klaipeda (LT) I was working on courtyards revitalization in a housing estate, where residents were involved in the design process. The challenge was how to involve beforehand negatively minded residents and how to make information clear for the elderly participants. The answer was a playful and interactive participation method, such as using reference card games, preparation of mood boards, discussions on site models, and online platform for voting and debates. 3) Regeneration of Old Market situated in the heart of Klaipeda was challenging in involving all the citizens and the stakeholder to design together. In this case participation methods were combined with public relations comparing and market fair and workshops were organized. Every citizen could come, meet the planners, express opinion, vote for preferred scenario, sketch and test proposals on huge district model. The regeneration is ongoing, and participation created transparency and trust in the project from the very beginning.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
For Re-Block project I was responsible to draft the Local Action Plan that covered governance, social issues, housing estates and public space with transport. These layers were detailed with specific set of actions, time frame, responsible institution and preliminary costs. In addition by dividing into immediate, short term and long term set of actions it became clear what are feasible priorities and what needs lots of preparation. Part of the job was to set up the monitoring tools for entire process. Each set of actions, activities and tasks were valued and listed in order to follow the progress of the project. The project is planned to be reviewed every two years. My role was to deliver possible and realistic measuring tools and responsible parties. With Collective Gardens Revival project ministry of the Environment, Vilnius city municipality, national gardeners association and community members got involved. My task was to stimulate the discussion and showcase the evolution of the collective gardens and present vision for the future development. The biggest achievement was that the ministry of the environment had a chance to overview the history and the effects of the evolution of the collective gardens that gave the support to initiate the changes for the collective gardens policies and planning laws.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Working with local authorities it is essential to keep up to date about latest urban development policies and trends at national and EU level. For the specific projects, I do thematic research, e.g. for Re-Block I did policy overview for housing renewal situation and possibilities to apply EU support for renovation of housing stock. For the project Collective Gardens Revival, presented in the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam 2014 (IABR 2014) I did policy overview for possibilities to intervene in allotment garden communities in Lithuania, did comparison of policies and trends in Lithuania and other states in Eastern and Western Europe. To keep my knowledge up to date I attend conferences and seminars; participate in international events, such as IABR, where professionals discuss most actual current urban issues. Furthermore for different projects I always collaborate with experts from other fields such as law, economics, sociology and geography to have the latest updates about policies and trends in other fields. And finally, my work is more practical, I work ‘on the ground’ with municipalities, therefore to keep up to date with the latest trends in the science I collaborate with researches and academics for writing papers, articles, participating in conferences.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
During my career I have worked in very different contexts where local governance, socio-economic trends and people’s habits influenced project methodology, proposals and approaches. In Vilnius and Klaipeda (LT) I was in charge of preparing revitalization visions for the outdated large scale housing estates. In a context where 97% of apartments are privately owned it was essential to involve most active residents to build trust in the projects. In Vilnius together with the locals we have prepared LAP defining how to regenerate the deprived area. In Kiruna(SE), I was working on redevelopment vision, as the city has to be moved because of the mining industries. Cold climate and residents’ habits to live on snow were essential while designing the city reconstruction. In Silute (LT) I was working on Curonian Delta strategy promoting local historical heritage and protected delta landscape. Shrinkage is another nowadays challenge in Europe. In Sas van Gent (NL) together with an active community we have mapped all the empty buildings and developed concepts how to reuse them. Sometimes the best solutions are found living and working on site. I am one of the curators and a volunteer in a project Travelling Architecture Workshops. With a team of young architects we stay for a week in a village and realize small public space projects. Local challenges such as lack of children’s occupation, social problems and low budgets are tackled on site by designing and doing with the locals.
Summary Expertise: 
Participation of residents and major stakeholders in urban projects is a very important success factor; therefore participation is always a key element in all projects I do. 1) Re-Block project I have managed LSG consisting of representatives of municipality departments, residents, social associations and entrepreneurs. During the meetings, excursions, workshops and debates I have managed to involve everyone to represent their needs, express opinion, consult and give proposals. 2) In Klaipeda (LT) I was working on courtyards revitalization in a housing estate, where residents were involved in the design process. The challenge was how to involve beforehand negatively minded residents and how to make information clear for the elderly participants. The answer was a playful and interactive participation method, such as using reference card games, preparation of mood boards, discussions on site models, and online platform for voting and debates. 3) Regeneration of Old Market situated in the heart of Klaipeda was challenging in involving all the citizens and the stakeholder to design together. In this case participation methods were combined with public relations comparing and market fair and workshops were organized. Every citizen could come, meet the planners, express opinion, vote for preferred scenario, sketch and test proposals on huge district model. The regeneration is ongoing, and participation created transparency and trust in the project from the very beginning.


Residence location:
Lithuanian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise