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SUMP in Gdańsk – Parking Policy

Edited on

02 March 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Under the CityMobilNet project Gdańsk has started its work on the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP). The main idea is to provide equal access for all to all city areas - irrespective of a place of residence, physical fitness or age. The aim is also to provide the city with a high quality sustainable urban transport system.

Transport policy should be geared towards supporting the interest of sustainable transport development. In principle, it is guided by minimizing the amount of individual transport travels and also by promoting and supporting the development of public transport in terms of the local and regional level. Parking policy should be an integral part of transport policy. Continuous traffic increase intensifies problems with parking space, not only in the city center but also in the zone between the central and suburban part of it.

ULG work group CityMobilNet Gdansk
The policy of sustainable mobility development and transport should endeavor to reduce car numbers and the number of private car journeys in the total number of daily trips, by creating attractive alternatives. Meeting the growing demand for parking supply according to growing numer of cars negatively affect comfort and safety as well as the propensity to use active forms of mobility in residents’ everyday life. There is a need for development of the way to manage demand for parking space by creating an appropriate system of zones varying restrictiveness of parking space in the central areas of the city, close to large traffic (academic institutions, hospitals, and office buildings etc.) and public transport stops (especially rail) in a polycentric agglomeration. Private cars are used for one hour per day on average; therefore the stationary movement requires special attention. The construction of large parking lots is not only costly but very often contrary to the spirit of environmental protection. An effective approach to the theme of car parking is more about an efficient operation or management of parking space. In the context of transport in the city there are not too many areas that could bring so many benefits to the quality of life, changing attitudes and changing means of transport, as a parking space management. While working on parking policy, plenty meetings were organized. There were regular meetings of CityMobilNet core group, a workshop with external expert Mr. Claus Köllinger, two workshops for counselors of Local Districts and NGOs and a workshop for all citizens. The results and conclusions from all meetings are included in the document called Parking Policy of Gdańsk, which will also be a part of our SUMP.