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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My educational background is in the field of Economics, Business Adminitstration, Management of Natural and Technological Disasters, as well as in Environmental Management. During 2003-2007 I was coordinator for the Urban II project of Komotini, Greece. The project had to deal with rehabilitation of an urban area in which immigrants and other social excluded citizens were to live. (total budget: 12,6m euros) For 4 years, 2002-2005 I was invited from Region of East-Macedonia & Thrace as a lead expert in the Regional Operational Programme, action “Sustainable Urban Development” dealing with six urban development projects in six towns of the Region. (total budget of 38 m euros) During 2008-2013 I was the project manager as an external consultant in two different “Urban Rehabilitation Projects” implemented in Komotini and Alexandroupolis, Greece of a total budget of 12,3 euros. All these project were consisting of measures concerning with physical urban renewal, promotion of education, economic development, social inclusion and environmental protection
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have 21 years of experience from working in European projects with expertise communities of practice, transnational exchange and learning. I have experience in community work, participation & governance, policy making and strategic planning in both public and private organisations. The main sources of my understanding exchange and learning processes at transnational level are: -Project Manager in 15 EU Cross Border projects, in Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, FYROM, Albania, Ukraine (2001-2015) -Member of Implementation Team in Black Sea project with partners from 4 countries (title BASACA) (2013-2015) -Organisation of more than 15 international events and study visits in 6 EU countries, for experiences’ exchange, as a lead consultant of the network of cities “Townsnet” (2010-2014) -Project Manager in the implementation of several foreign investments in industrial sector (1995-2003) for Egypt, Italy, Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, with intense involvement in learning and educating processed during know-how transfer procedures. -For 2 consecutive years (1994-1995) as CEO of a Cypriot foodstuffs manufacturing company, I had the responsibility of exports and sales in Middle East Countries (Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, . This work experience was essential in understanding transnational cultures, attitudes, habits and local learning processes.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am proficient in English, both in written and spoken forms. I am used to communicating both formally or informally in different social contexts and countries in which I am working. -I have completed my studies in Oxford, UK, and nowdays I follow a distance learning MSc in London, UK. -During 1994-1995 as I was working in Middle East countries with serious rensposibilities such as sales’ contracts signing with wholesalers, legal agreements with National Authorities etc -I am working in Bulgaria, FYROM and Romania, with continuous physical presentation, as our company maintains offices in this countries: always the communication is in English language. -I have elaborated a lot of applications, reports for CBC, ETC and transnational projects

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
During my working experience the last 21 years, I had to lead working groups and work relations between pairs and produce deliverables in transnational projects in urban and deprived areas. This means different groups and individuals with different backgrounds: ethnic, religious, corporate, stakeholders, technical, scientific or target group participants such as residents, minorities, people with disabilities etc). I planned, communicated, organized and monitored the physical implementation of B2B meetings for SME's and I organized three different course-conferences aiming in building trust among producers, exporters, importers and logistics companies from different countries. I designed transnational projects and I implemented them as a project manager engaging a variety of local stakeholders such as municipalities, prefectures, cultural organisations, chambers and NGOs. Appropriate contingency planning permits me to manage a lot of projects in a multicultural environment with vast ethnic, politics and religious conflicts: The Balkan Territory. I have conducted best practices exchanges, study visits and prepared roadmaps of knowhow exchange. As an external expert I arranged the planning and organizing workgroup meetings among projects’ stakeholders adapting different tools in order to understand and monitor beneficiaries with such a great diversity and level of knowledge. I conducted administrative reports and educational handbooks

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Programme URBAN II, O.P. “KOMOTINI Sustainable city for all” 2002-2007: my role as a Project Manager constituted of strategy monitoring, policies integration and reviewing, reporting to the National Managing Authority. "Habitat Agenda" study: I participated in drafting the “Integrated Plan for Sustainable Development” of Komotini, Greece (2005-2006). I carried out study field, academic research and documentation for the diagnosis of the “Current Situation”, and in phase B (2006-2008) I elaborated the “Results Report”, defined the indicators, output and results indicators. “Integrated Initiatives for Employment” as a lead expert (2005-2007): I produced reports, briefings, position papers and I organised 7 study trips and 2 experience exchange weeks CBC IVA Greece-FYROM 2007-2013, «EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE»: I studied several European policy instruments related to the topic; I organized an international workshop in Bitola with the participation of 6 countries "Network of cities “Townsnet” (2010-2014): I participated as a lead expert in a series of study visits in 6 EU cities. The main topic was “Sustainable Infrastructures”. I also worked in the WSNSQoL project for Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain, under Marie Curie 7th framework programme; my role was to analyse the feasibility on applying a secure location-aware cooperative network for telemedicine

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I worked as a drafting expert in a series of initiatives and operational programmes such as -URBAN II Komotini, 2002-2007 -Regional Operational Programme of East Macedonia and Thrace 2000-2006 -CBC IVA Programme Greece-Bulgaria, 2007-2013 -CBC IPA Programme Greece-FYROM 2014-2020 -11 Municipal Operational Programmes, and -some more than 40 international projects All these activities have been successfully implemented by applying tools of community dialogue, stakeholders’ consultation, mediation of interests, information gathering, data analysis etc. In all these projects I followed the necessary participatory methods and tools. An example of these could be briefly presented within the following steps: Examination of the Regulatory Framework Kick off meeting with the Managing Authority Legal documents and financial aspects in the programming phase Public Consultation Procedure. Public Consultation Questionnaires Performance framework and indicators building Questionnaire Design Data Collection from stakeholders Questionnaires are addressed to as many as possible stakeholders Data analysis is held using adequate software (SPSS) in order to improve outcome for decision making, using statistical and analytical tools such as standard deviation, mean, normalization cumulative percentages, percentile equivalents, Z-scores, T-scores, standard nines, and percentages in standard nines.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
URBAN II, The Operational Program “KOMOTINI Sustainable city for all”, 2002-2007, 12,6 m euro (as desctibed in paragraph D1): Aw external expert I planned and submitted the project proposal. As project manager I created a monitoring system with financial, physical and social indicators that allowed to measure in real time the performance of the programme. This was done by setting cross indicators for multi-problem analysis as well as second and third level indicators. With my team we established a “social observatory”. This was a web-based tool that was monitoring a series of critical social and environmental indicators in the urban area under rehabilitation. This tool was measuring during 7 consecutive years (2005-2011) the impact of the interventions and was the starting point for Municipal policy makers in planning procedures and decisions.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I have been participating in EU projects the last 20 years. I often attend or I am invited to participate in think tanks, conferences, workshops and seminars in regional, national or EU level. I follow every single new policy paper, in my everyday schedule I read all evolutions and news regarding the sustainable urban development ideas and instruments. My involvement with the academic society, as a post graduate student with Imperial College keeps on track my understanding on the topics related to Urban Development.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
I work in a multinational, multiethnic and multireligious environment. I share my time between North Greece, Sofia, Skopje, Bucharest and Brussels. It is evident that my ability to understand specific local situations is at least adequate; without this essential competence it is impossible for someone to survive in this professional competitive environment. I have used a lot of tools and methods adapted to local cultures, target groups or ethnic / other minorities.
Summary Expertise: 
I worked as a drafting expert in a series of initiatives and operational programmes such as in URBAN II Komotini, 2002-2007, R.O.P. of East Macedonia and Thrace 2000-2006, CBC IVA Greece-Bulgaria, 2007-2013, CBC IPA Greece-FYROM 2014-2020, Municipal Operational Programmes and some more than 40 international projects. URBAN II, The O.P. “KOMOTINI Sustainable city for all”: as a project manager I created a monitoring system with financial, physical and social indicators that allowed to measure in real time the performance of the programme. This was done by setting cross indicators for multi-problem analysis as well as second and third level indicators and we established a “social observatory”. My involvement with the academic society, as a post graduate student with Imperial College keeps on track my understanding on the topics related to Urban Development. I work in a multinational, multiethnic and multireligious environment. I share my time between North Greece, Sofia, Skopje, Bucharest and Brussels. It is evident that my ability to understand specific local situations is at least adequate; without this essential competence it is impossible for someone to survive in this professional competitive environment. I have used a lot of tools and methods adapted to local cultures, target groups or ethnic / other minorities


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise